組圖:法國慶大閱兵 艾菲爾鐵塔煙花綻放

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法廣報導,上午10點,作為法國軍隊最高統帥馬克龍在法軍總參謀長François Lecointre陪同下乘坐敞篷軍車,順香榭麗舍大道前往設在協和廣場的主席台,閱兵式正式展開。隨後是法國和國際軍事部隊,從凱旋門巡行到觀禮台,軍機隊伍從郊區拉登芳國防部直飛經過整條大道。


法國總統馬克龍在法軍總參謀長陪同下乘坐敞篷軍車,閱兵式正式展開。(Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images)
天空中9架戰機噴出代表法國國旗的藍、白、紅色。不過出現一點小尷尬,一架本應打出藍色的飛機打出了紅色。(Photo credit should read LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP/Getty Images)
A general view shows helicopters, members of the national police motorcycle units and military vehicles taking part in the annual Bastille Day military parade on the Champs-Elysees avenue near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris on July 14, 2018.
法國總統馬克龍在法軍總參謀長陪同下乘坐敞篷軍車,閱兵式正式展開。直升機在頭頂飛翔。(Ludovic MARIN/AFP)
Members of the 'Escadron motocycliste de la police nationale' (front L), of the 'escadron motocycliste du centre national de formation a la securite routiere de la gendarmerie nationale (front R) and military vehicles take part in the annual Bastille Day military parade on the Champs-Elysees avenue near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris on July 14, 2018.
法國總統馬克龍在法軍總參謀長陪同下乘坐敞篷軍車,閱兵式正式展開。(AFP PHOTO/Ludovic MARIN)
法國和國際軍事部隊,從凱旋門巡行到觀禮台。成千上萬民眾聚集在道邊。(Ludovic MARIN/AFP)

中央社報導,今年國慶閱兵主題是「武裝的兄弟情誼」(fraternity in arms),參演的包括西班牙憲兵、比利時裝甲車,以及德國航空艦隊所屬的空中巴士A400M軍用運輸機。總共出動了4290名軍人,220輛軍車,250匹馬,60架飛機和30架直升飛機。


法國和國際軍事部隊,經過觀禮台前。(Photo credit should read ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP/Getty Images)



French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe (C) walks with The Mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi (C/L) as he arrives in Nice on July 14, 2018, to attend a ceremony for the second anniversary of attacks on the French coastal city in which 86 people died when a truck was driven into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais. France is deploying 110,000 police and security forces nationwide this weekend to secure the huge street parties if the national team win the World Cup on July 15. The country has been repeatedly targeted by extremists over previous years in attacks that have claimed 246 lives since January 2015, according to an AFP toll.
法國總理Edouard Philippe(中)和市長Nice Christian Estrosi到達。(AFP PHOTO/Valery HACHE)
法國和國際軍事部隊,從凱旋門巡行到觀禮台。(AFP PHOTO/Ludovic MARIN)
法國和國際軍事部隊,從凱旋門巡行到觀禮台。(Photo credit should read ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI/AFP/Getty Images)
成千上萬的群眾聚集香榭麗舍大道。(Photo credit should read LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP/Getty Images)


2018年7月14日晚,法國國慶11時煙花匯演。(Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images)
2018年7月14日晚,法國國慶11時煙花匯演。(Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 14: Fireworks burst around the Eiffel Tower as part of Bastille Day celebrations on July 14, 2018 in Paris, France. The theme of the fireworks of this year is dedicated to the romanticism.
2018年7月14日晚,法國國慶11時煙花匯演。 (Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images)
2018年7月14日晚,法國國慶11時煙花匯演。(Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images)



France fans hold a French flag as they pose at the Red Square in Moscow on July 14, 2018 on the eve of the Russia 2018 World Cup final football match between France and Croatia.
莫斯科紅場上的法國民眾慶祝國慶。15日將是法國隊與克羅地亞隊的世界盃決賽。(MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP)
TOPSHOT - France fans hold a French flag as they pose at the Red Square in Moscow on July 14, 2018 on the eve of the Russia 2018 World Cup final football match between France and Croatia. (Photo by MLADEN ANTONOV / AFP)
莫斯科紅場上的法國民眾慶祝國慶。15日將是法國隊與克羅地亞隊的世界盃決賽。 (MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images)


法國國慶日尼斯疑遭恐攻  至少73死百傷
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