
Ling-Yi Hsieh, David Lee
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Coming of Age Ceremony in Taipei


1. coming of age: ph. 成年
2. ceremony: n. 典礼
3. sponsor: v. 赞助
4. cap: v. 给…戴帽
5. hairpin: n. 发簪
6. deputy: a. 副的
7. significance: n. 意义

Last Sunday the Rotary club sponsored a traditional coming of age ceremony at the Confucious temple in Taiwan. 82 foreign exchange students, aged 17 to 18 were given the opportunity to participate. French student Margaret Bouron enjoyed the Confucious way of celebrating adulthood.

[Margaret Bouron, French Exchange Student]:
“We don’t have this kind of ceremony. For us 18 is just the age of fun so it’s not like this”

“Yeah I think it’s really nice, it’s really nice to have a ceremony like this. It’s official and you will remember this for your whole life. So I think it’s really nice”

The students, from 17 different countries including Germany, Denmark and America, really appreciated this opportunity to learn about different cultures, as this student from America explains,

[Clarissa Montgomery, American Exchange Student]:
“See what other cultures are like and other people and to understand the way other people whose culture may be very different from mine live, and to appreciate the similarities and the differences.”

The participants first wash their hands in a golden bowl to symbolize the washing away of old habits. Then, after walking under a table, the men were given a capping ceremony. The women were also given a hairpin ceremony to mark the start of adulthood. Taipei’s deputy mayor Li Yong Ping was there and told us about the ceremony’s significance,

8. hand down: ph. 把…传下去
9. take on: ph. 承担
10. choreograph: v. 编舞
11. Wing Chun: n. 咏春

[Li Yong Ping, Deputy Mayor, Taipei]:
“When they have the opportunity to get in touch with Chinese culture and understand the meaning behind the coming of age ceremony, I believe they will play their role well in society. They will know their social responsibilities, understand different cultures and experience it in depth. This is a good example and a great platform for handing down the Chinese tradition.”

In the west, the turn to adulthood is celebrated in a completely different way. Brett Clarke, a student from America has been living in Taiwan for 3 months. He liked the moral responsibilities that the ceremony represents.

[Brett Clark, American Exchange Student]:
“There’s a lot of differences between this and the United States. I think this is so much more ceremonial and special than the United States.”

“It’s about becoming responsible for your actions, a lot of it’s about responsibility and it’s about being able to accept the challenges in life and being able to take them on.”

Traditional music was played by local high school students and a ceremonial dance was performed. The foreign exchange students also gave a well choreographed Wing Chun performance on the stage.


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