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【大纪元2014年06月29日讯】(大纪元记者王志成报导)6月27日,台湾经济部中小企业处处长叶云龙与欧洲商业育成中心网络(European Business & Innovation Center Network, EBN)主席Philippe Vanrie于 EBN第23届国际育成年会,在西班牙列伊达(Lleida)签署双方育成合作备忘录(MOU),协助台湾育成企业打入欧洲产业供应及价值链,并拓展台欧商机。

EBN主席Philippe Vanrie表示,台湾是个创新之岛,同时也是亚太的商业及交通枢纽,近几年台湾商业育成及创新活动蓬勃发展,带动的经济能量让我们相当关注。



经济部中小企业处与欧洲商业育成网络(EBN) 的合作始于2011年,旨在拓展台欧商机、深化创业育成合作及推动育成国际化。

此次台欧签订加速企业育成合作备忘录,主要由工业技术研究院与“台湾企业国际化协助网络”(Taiwan Globalization Network, TGN)安排, 旨在持续推动与落实“经济部中小企业处新兴产业加速育成计划”。

为协助国内中小企业加速成长,工业院与TGN特筹组“2014年赴荷兰及西班牙参加商业媒合会议访问团”,于6月21日至29日在荷兰举办台湾商机日(Taiwan Business Day)商业媒合会议以及赴西班牙参加第23届EBN年会,希冀透过参与此两大年度盛事,为我国业者争取更多商业媒合机会,早日布局并深入欧洲市场。

【新闻小辞典】EBN(European Business & Innovation Center Network)位于比利时,设立于1984年,属欧盟之半官方机构,除在欧洲地区结合超过250个组织,同时亦涵盖阿拉伯联合大公国、萨尔瓦多、中国大陆及叙利亚等其他非欧洲地区组织,其任务是支持具有潜力的创新中小企业的设立,执行创业者及各专案的筛选以及监控,并协助地方中小企业系统的管理,也提供弱势团体自行创业所需的相关协助。

SMEA signs MOU to build a platform and speed up incubation cooperation

Under the witness of more than 600 incubation center professionals and guests, the MOEA’s SMEA Director General Johnny YEH and the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN) Chairman Philippe Vanrie had signed the Joint Incubation Cooperation MOU on June 27 in the 23rd EBN Annual Meeting, Lleida, Spain. This MOU aims to sustain mutual cooperation built from 2011, to strengthen incubation center cooperation through internationalization, and to bring together talent, capital markets, create more business opportunities between Taiwan and Europe and benefit for all.

EBN Chairman Philippe Vanrie stated that Taiwan is known for its innovative capability and flexibility, and, at the same time, serves as the Asia- Pacific commerce and traffic hub. Blooming developments of Taiwan’s commercial incubation, innovative events and its powerful economic strength cannot be ignored. With the signing of this MOU, we will be further dedicated to the mutual formation of the TW-EU networking platforms to support SMEs to harness European market potential, generate more business opportunities and, most important of all, to hasten close industrial cooperation between Taiwan and Europe on the basis of reciprocity.

Under the leadership of SMEA Director General YEH, a delegation from Taiwan consisting of Start-Up Taiwan Accelerator alliances, incubation center professionals and a number of SMEs, had attended the 23rd EBN Annual Meeting from June 25 to 27 in Lleida, Spain. This year’s Meeting theme “Empower Youth; Accelerate Entrepreneurship; Transform Lives” seeks to encourage the youth to establish innovative businesses, harness the resources of cross-border incubation, and to solve unemployment issues.

Director General YEH has been invited to be the Plenary Speaker in this EBN meeting and delivered a speech on “Strategic Thinking for Entrepreneurship” in the morning of June 27, sharing Taiwan’s experiences in strategic thinking and policy-making to empower entrepreneurship of next generation. Director General YEH pointed out the Taiwan unemployment rate has continued to show an upward tendency ever since 2009. In light of high unemployment rate issue, SMEA has promoted a series of youth entrepreneurship acceleration policies and youth entrepreneurship competitions. With the efforts of University incubation centers and the four Start-Up Taiwan Accelerator alliances: Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) and Institute for Information Industry (III), we are able to assist SMEs and youth entrepreneurship to develop and prosper.

To enhance business opportunities and cooperation between Taiwan and Europe, we and TNG jointly held “Taiwan Business Day (TBD)” on June 23, in Rotterdam, the Netherland. TGN and ITRI had intensively coached 10 selected Taiwanese companies to improve their internalization competitiveness in advance. Monthly evaluation had been done to improve the effectiveness of this Taiwan-Europe business matching event. SMEs from both sides were quiet satisfied with the outcome and effectiveness of TBD. ITRI, TGN and Business Angel Europe (BAE) had signed a MOU on TBD this year to establish connections and generate more business opportunities under the witness of SMEA.

The Joint Incubation Cooperation MOU between SMEA and EBN and ITRI-TGN-BAE partnership aim to build a TW-EU co-incubation and business matching mechanism. With the mechanism establishment, it will inspire new thinking, create new opportunities and develop new technologies for SMEs and start-ups, assisting them to born global and go global.

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