九寨沟余震1700余次 20死431伤 官方瞒灾情

人气 22519





A tour bus damaged during an earthquake is seen in Jiuzhaigou in China's southwestern Sichuan province on August 9, 2017. At least 12 people were killed when a 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck southwestern China, government sources said on August 9, but the toll was expected to climb as news trickles out of the remote mountainous region. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
九寨沟强震,一辆旅游车被滚落的山石砸毁。(STR/AFP/Getty Images)
A car damaged during an earthquake is seen in Jiuzhaigou in China's southwestern Sichuan province on August 9, 2017. At least 12 people were killed when a 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck southwestern China, government sources said on August 9, but the toll was expected to climb as news trickles out of the remote mountainous region. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
九寨沟强震,一辆私家车被滚落的山石砸毁。(STR/AFP/Getty Images)


Tourists wait to be evacuated after an earthquake in Jiuzhaigou in China's southwestern Sichuan province on August 9, 2017. China on August 9 evacuated tens of thousands people in its mountainous southwest after a strong earthquake killed at least 19 people and rattled a region where memories of a 2008 seismic disaster remain fresh. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
九寨沟强震,数万人滞留灾区等待离开。(STR/AFP/Getty Images)



Residents, who slept outside their homes for fear of aftershocks after an earthquake, sit around a fire to warm up in Zhangzha in southwest China's Sichuan province on August 10, 2017. The 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan province late on August 8, tearing cracks in mountain highways, triggering landslides, damaging buildings and sending panicked residents and tourists fleeing into the open. / AFP PHOTO / Nicolas ASFOURI (Photo credit should read NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images)
由于救援人员迟迟未来,很多村民靠自救。(NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images)
Residents gather on a hill, where they had set up a temporary camp as they feared aftershocks after an earthquake, in Zhangzha in southwest China's Sichuan province on August 10, 2017. The 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan province late on August 8, tearing cracks in mountain highways, triggering landslides, damaging buildings and sending panicked residents and tourists fleeing into the open. / AFP PHOTO / Nicolas ASFOURI (Photo credit should read NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images)
由于救援人员迟迟未来,山区很多村民靠自救。(NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images)
TOPSHOT - Residents fearing aftershocks sleep outside of their homes after an earthquake in Zhangzha in southwest China's Sichuan province on August 10, 2017. The 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan province late on August 8, tearing cracks in mountain highways, triggering landslides, damaging buildings and sending panicked residents and tourists fleeing into the open. / AFP PHOTO / Nicolas ASFOURI (Photo credit should read NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images)
由于救援人员迟迟未来,山区很多村民靠自救。(NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images)
A car, damaged by a rock during an earthquake, is seen in Jiuzhaigou in China's southwestern Sichuan province on August 9, 2017. At least 12 people were killed when a 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck southwestern China, government sources said on August 9, but the toll was expected to climb as news trickles out of the remote mountainous region. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
九寨沟强震,一辆私家车被滚落的山石砸中。(STR/AFP/Getty Images)
A crack, caused by an earthquake, is seen on a road in Jiuzhaigou in China's southwestern Sichuan province on August 9, 2017. At least 12 people were killed when a 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck southwestern China, government sources said on August 9, but the toll was expected to climb as news trickles out of the remote mountainous region. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
九寨沟强震,公路上出现大裂缝。(STR/AFP/Getty Images)



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