【看川普推特學英文】美國中共肺炎疫情失控?!川普親上火線 穩定民心


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WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 26: U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at the beginning of a new conference with members of the coronavirus task force, including Vice President Mike Pence, Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli, acting Transportation Under Secretary Joel Szabat, Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun, National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield, in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House February 26, 2020 in Washington, DC. Trump updated the American people about what his administration's 'whole of government' response to the global coronavirus outbreak. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)
美國總統川普於2020年2月26日,親自出席在白宮的記者會,說明中共病毒(俗稱新型冠狀病毒)疫情。(Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

● spread,動詞/spred/擴散
英解:to (cause to) cover, reach, or have an effect on a wider or increasing area
例句:Coronavirus may be spread through droplets transmission. (中共病毒(俗稱新型冠狀病毒)可能透過飛沫而擴散。)
用法:當名詞時,意思是「抹醬」,例如:乳酪抹醬(cheese spread)、巧克力抹醬(chocolate spread);但是如果要說水果類型抹醬,則會用”jam”這個字,例如:草莓醬(strawberry jam)、手作果醬(homemade jam)。

● blame,動詞/bleɪm/責怪
英解:to say someone did something wrong
例句:Don’t blame me! It is not my fault.(不要怪我,又不是我的錯。)
用法:怪罪「誰」,介詞用”on”,例如:John blames his low IQ on his parents.(約翰將他的低智商歸咎於父母親。)
怪罪「什麼/事情」,介詞用”for”,例如:John blames his parents for his low IQ.(約翰將他的低智商歸咎於父母親。)

● Democrats,名詞/ˈdem.ə.kræt/美國民主黨人士
英解:in the US, a member or supporter of the Democratic Party
例句:The Democrats demanded a recount but still lost by a few votes.(民主黨要求重新計算票數,但仍以幾票之差輸了。)
用法:簡寫常用”Dem(s)”。台灣政黨「民主進步黨」DPP(Democratic Progressive Party,現任執政黨)。

● fault,名詞/fɑːlt/過錯
英解:a mistake, especially something for which you are to blame
例句:Stop accusing me. It wasn’t my fault.(別再指責我了,又不是我的錯。)
用法:另一常用意思為「故障」,例如:The fire was caused by an electrical fault.(火災是由電線走火引起。)也就是俗稱的”electrical fire”。

● do a great job of,動詞片語,在…表現出色
英解:to do something very well
例句:You’ve done a fantastic job of decorating the room.(你把房間布置得非常漂亮。)
用法:另外,形容做著「艱苦又無聊的工作」時,我們可以說”do the donkey work”(做著驢子般的工作)。例如:Why should I do all the donkey work?(為何我要做所有這些枯燥乏味的工作?)

● include,動詞/ɪnˈkluːd/包含
英解:to contain something as a part of something else
例句:The price includes tax and service.(價格已包括稅和服務費。)
用法:相反地,如果該費用或帳單「不含」稅或服務費,則可用”exclude”,例如:The price (bill) excludes tax and service.
下次出國購物結帳前,記得先問清楚:Is the price tax included? / Is the price including tax?(這個價錢含稅嗎?)才不至於誤判價格,以為撿到便宜,卻大失血!

● certain,指示代名詞/ˈsɜː(r)t(ə)n/某些
英解:particular but not named or described
例句:Certain candidates of the party are good indeed.(該政黨的某些候選人確實很好。)
用法:口語上我們常說:「某種程度…」,英文可以說:”to a certain degree”

● oppose,動詞/əˈpoʊz/反對
英解:to disagree with something or someone
例句:The new testing system has been vigorously opposed by most teachers.(新的測驗方式遭到大多數老師的強烈反對。)
用法:也可以用片語方式表達「反對」之意,例如:She’s opposed to any changes to the current legislation.(她反對改變現有的立法制度。)

● turn out,動詞,(出乎意料的)結果是…
英解:to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one
例句:She thought she was pregnant, but it turned out to be a false alarm.
用法:額外一提,”false alarm”(直譯:錯誤的鬧鐘/警報),可以解釋為「擺一場烏龍」,例如:Someone called to say a fire, but it turned out to be a false alarm.(有人打電話說某處發生火災,但結果卻是烏龍警報。)

● incompetent,形容詞/ɪnˈkɑːm.pə.t̬ənt/無能力的(不能勝任的)
英解:not having the ability to do something as it should be done
例句:He has described the government as corrupt and incompetent.(他批評政府的腐敗與無能。)
用法:competent「能幹的、稱職的」,例如:They are a very competent group of people, but they lack flexibility and originality.(他們是一組非常有能力的人,但他們缺乏彈性和創新。)


● CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,美國疾病管制與預防中心)



● 因應疫情的防範、學習保護自己及尊重他人,如果我們身體不適,試討論有哪些要點(清單/指示),我們「必須做的」?
你可以用:1. We have to… 2. We have to…來試列舉之(例如,We have to wash our hands very often.)

● 相反地,試討論有哪些要點,我們「一定不可以做」?(例如,We must not sneeze without covering our mouth.)

● 試討論與個人衛生、疫情相關、看病問診等相關英文單字。


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