馬國事件 大紀元將在紐約舉行記者會


大紀元時報在全球超過30個國家發行8種語文的報紙。 中文版大紀元以獨立報導不受北京政權干預﹐帶給華人的影響力是無法抗拒的。 也因為如此,大紀元經常受到來自中共各式各樣的壓力,試圖阻止大紀元的發行。 大紀元時報呼籲世人共同阻止中共在全球破壞新聞自由行為。

記者會時間:8月12日 星期五中午 12點
地點 : 313 E. 43rd Street 紐約馬來西亞領館前
聯絡人: Dr. Wenyi Wang 718-908-9704 wenyi.wang@epochtimes.com
John Nania 212-239-2808 john.nania@4new.org;

To: News Assignment Desk

*** Press Conference ***

Communist China bans the Epoch Times. Now they have induced Malaysia to join them

WHAT: Press conference about Malaysia’s suppression of Freedom of the Press, plus, facts, analysis and first-hand accounts of the withdrawals that are disintegrating the Communist Party’s strong-hold on power.
WHERE: 313 E. 43rd Street, in front of Malaysia Consulate in New York
WHEN: Friday, August 12 at 12 pm.
CONTACT: Dr. Wenyi Wang 718-908-9704 wenyi.wang@epochtimes.com
John Nania 212-239-2808 john.nania@4new.org;


The Epoch Times, a newspaper based in New York, is produced in 8 languages and is distributed in more than 30 countries around the world. The Chinese-language edition has become a powerful news source in the Chinese-language market. Not only is it the most widely distributed Chinese-language newspaper in the world; the Epoch Times, as an independent newspaper, reports the news free of any influence from the Beijing Government, which has exerted an overwhelming influence over other Chinese-language media around the world.

Therefore, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has employed a variety of means to stop the publication of the Epoch Times wherever it can exert its influence.

On June 2, without any clear explanation, the Malaysian National Security Bureau confiscated the newspaper, although it had been circulating in Malaysia without any problems for a year. On June 17, the Malaysia government (Interior Ministry) banned issues #147 and #148; on July 14, 21, and July 28, it further banned issues #153, 154 and #155.

The Malaysia government is suppressing Freedom of the Press because the paper’s reports, “…may result in a negative impression on the ruling government of China.” The Malaysia Interior Ministry has willingly become an accomplice in the CCP’s harassment of and interference with the Epoch Times. In this news conference, the Epoch Times will expose all of the CCP’s deeds in suppressing freedom of the press around the world.

呂秀蓮:中國若有民主選舉  歡迎加入DPU
基隆市府中元聯合普渡 許財利祈求國泰民安
南桃提早供水  謝揆:水利署發現新工法