

【大紀元12月21日訊】 To my students in Beijing, Fall 2007:

While grading papers today I encountered two more cases of plagiarism. One was sophisticated but serious. The other was so blatant that it was almost unbelievable. That makes a total of three students who have failed my courses because of plagiarism.


If I had not warned you and given you the opportunity honestly to correct your essays, there would have been several more. I thank those of you who were honest and showed me what you had copied.


Plagiarism disturbs me greatly, both because it corrodes my relationship with you as my students, and because it tells me things about China and Beida that neither you nor I want to hear.


It corrodes my relationship with you because I work hard to be a good teacher, I take time to prepare good lectures, and I spend many hours providing detailed feedback on essays. It is hard work. You cannot imagine what it is like to correct the details of the 500th essay until you have done it yourself. I do that to help you learn to think more clearly, to express yourself convincingly, and to develop your intellectual power, your ability to understand the world. I also do it because I value you, I value your ideas, and I think the world will be a better place when you can all think clearly and behave intelligently. Later in life, some of you will be leaders with important positions. I want you to be competent and honest, for I have seen too often what terrible things can happen when leaders are incompetent and dishonest. Leadership aside, I want all of you to be able to create value in your lives, whatever you end up doing, and you cannot do that if you deceive.


When a student whom I am teaching steals words and ideas from an author without acknowledgment, I feel cheated, dragged down into the mud. I ask myself, why should I teach people who knowingly deceive me? Life is too short for such things. There are better things to do.


Disturbingly, plagiarism fits into a larger pattern of behavior in China. China ignores international intellectual property rights. Beida sees nothing wrong in copying my textbook, for example, in complete violation of international copyright agreements, causing me to lose income, stealing from me quite directly. No one in China seems to care. I can buy DVDs in stores and on the street for about one US dollar. They cost $20-30 outside China; the artists who produced them are losing enormous amounts of stolen income, billions of dollars each year. China has become notorious for producing defective products that have to be recalled because the pose health threats to consumers. A recent cartoon in an American newspaper shows the Central Committee reacting to an accusation that they have violated human rights. The response? 「Wait until they see what we put in their toothpaste next!」 Corruption is a serious problem in a boomin g economy. For example, in the mining industry, about 5000 miners die each year and mine owners cut corners in violation of the law. The social fabric breaks when workers die because owners are greedy. The Mandate of Heaven is lost.

讓人不安的是,剽竊已經成為整個中國行為模式的一部份。中國忽視國際知識產權。比如說,複印我的書徹頭徹尾違反了國際版權協議,使我損失了收入,對我而言近乎直接的偷竊,然而北大人卻對此安之若素。再比如,我只花大約一美元就能在街頭和店舖買到DVD 光碟,這些碟片在別國要賣上二三十美元。創作它們的藝術家因此損失的大筆收入全是被偷走的,每年幾十億。因為生產劣質商品對消費者造成潛在的健康威脅而不得不召回,中國已經是臭名昭著了。最近美國報紙上刊載的一幅漫畫描繪了中央委員會被指責侵犯人權。猜他們怎麼回答?「往他們牙膏裡擱點東西,看他們還敢吭聲不?」經濟繁榮的背後,腐敗已經成為嚴重的問題。就拿礦業來說,每年大約有五千名礦工死去,就因為礦主為了省事為了利潤而不惜違反法律。(譯註:cut corners 指貶義的抄近道,此為意譯。) 礦主的貪婪導致工人死去,象徵著社會階層之間紐帶的斷裂。天道已喪。

China appears to have lost her way. Confucius said, do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you. He also said, a gentleman is honest. Honesty and reciprocity are the basis of trust and community. We cannot get along in a world filled with deceit and defection; such a world becomes a Hobbesian war of all against all, nasty and brutal. We cannot do science if we cannot trust what others publish. There is no reason to try to replicate a result if it cannot be trusted. It would not be worth the effort. Without replication there can be no shared knowledge that is tested and trustworthy – that is, no science. Without science, there can be no technology. And without technology, there can be no steady increase in productivity, economic growth, and a better life for al l.

中國似乎已經迷失了她的道路。孔子說過,己所不慾勿施於人。他還說過,人而無信不知其可。(直譯是君子有信,不過一時想不起原話是怎麼說的了。) 誠實互惠是信任與社群的基礎。在一個充滿欺詐和背叛的社會中,我們無法生存,這樣的世界成了霍布森(是他吧?哲概的東西快忘乾淨了)式的「每個人與每個人為敵」的戰爭,險惡而野蠻。若是我們不能相信別人發表的東西,我們就沒法做科研。誰都沒有理由去企圖重複一個不可信的結果,不值得費那功夫;而沒有重複就不會有經過驗證而可信靠、可共享的知識,也就沒有科學。沒有科學就不會有技術,沒有技術就不會有生產力的穩步發展,經濟水平的持續增長,也就不會給所有人都帶來更美好的生活。

The penalties for plagiarism that you will encounter later in life are very serious. If you do it as a graduate student, you can be expelled from university, and you will not get your degree. If you do it as a faculty member, you can lose your job. I know you may not believe that, for the sociology professor at Beida who translated an entire book into Chinese and published it with his name on it only lost his administrative positions but kept his professorship and salary. But things are not like that elsewhere . When plagiarism is detected in the United States, it can end the career of the person who did it. That is also true in Europe.

在你們今後的人生裡,剽竊將會遇到極為嚴厲的懲罰。身為研究生如果剽竊,就會直接開除,沒有學位。身為教員如果剽竊,就會丟掉飯碗。我知道你們可能不信,因為北大那位把整本書翻成中文就署上自己名字出版的社會學家 (這是誰啊…) 僅僅丟了行政職務,卻仍然保有教授之位和薪水。然而事情在別處並非如此。在美國如果發現有人剽竊,此人的職業生涯可以就此毀於一旦。歐洲亦然。

The fact that I have encountered this much plagiarism at Beida tells me something about the behavior of other professors and administrators here. They must tolerate a lot of it, and when they detect it, they cover it up without serious punishment, probably because they do not want to lose face. If they did punish it, it would not be this frequent.


I have greatly enjoyed teaching some of you. I have encountered young minds here that are as good as any in the world. Many of you are brave, most of you work very hard, most of you are honest, and some of you are brilliant. But I am leaving with very mixed feelings. It is quite sad that so many promising young Chinese think it is necessary to cheat to succeed. They damage themselves even more than the people from whom they steal and the people whom they deceive with stolen words.


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