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520新局 总统蔡英文发表就职演说

中华民国第15任总统蔡英文20日于就职典礼宣誓。 (总统府提供)
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赖副总统、现场的各位贵宾、电视机前跟网路上的朋友、全体国人同胞,大家好。Vice President Lai, esteemed guests, friends watching on TV and online, my fellow citizens across the country, good morning.

(一)作为共同体的台湾A Taiwanese Community

今天我站在这里,以无比感恩的心情,再次承担台湾人民交付给我的责任。I feel immensely grateful to stand here once again today and take on the responsibility entrusted to me by the Taiwanese people.

inauguration ceremony is unique in the history of the Republic of
China. What makes it special is not its size or the number of people in
attendance. It is special because we know how difficult it has been for
us to get to this point.

我要感谢台湾人民,是你们让这么不容易的事,在台湾发生。I want to thank the people of Taiwan for making such a difficult feat possible.

particularly want to thank a group of people who have not received a
lot of attention over the past four months in our fight against
COVID-19. I want to thank every single person who waited in line outside
of the pharmacy in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak. Thank
you for your patience, and thank you for trusting the government. You
have shown the world Taiwan’s commitment to civic virtues, even in times
of greatest distress.

我也要谢谢那些居家检疫、居家隔离的人。你们忍受生活的不便,为的是保护他人的健康。谢谢你们,展现人性中最善良的一面,成就台湾防疫的成功。I also want to thank everyone who was quarantined or isolated at home,
putting up with inconvenience in your daily life to keep others safe and
healthy. Thank you for exemplifying humanity’s best qualities and
helping us successfully bring the coronavirus outbreak under control.

sense of pride in our country, this community’s shared destiny, and the
memories of these past months will live on in all of our hearts. This
is what solidarity feels like.

ambassadors and representatives from other countries are here today,
and I trust that many countries around the world are watching Taiwan as

want to take this opportunity to tell you that the country you see is
populated by kind and resilient people. No matter the difficulties we
face, we can always count on our democracy, our solidarity, and our
sense of responsibility towards each other to help us overcome
challenges, weather difficult times, and stand steadfast in the world.

(二)空前的挑战和绝佳的机会Unprecedented challenges and unparalleled opportunities从一月到现在,台湾连续两次让国际社会惊艳。第一次是我们的民主选举,第二次则是我们的防疫成绩。From
January to now, Taiwan has amazed the international community twice.
The first was our democratic elections, and the second was our success
in the fight against COVID-19.

recent months, Taiwan’s name has appeared in headlines around the
world, thanks to our successful containment of the coronavirus outbreak.

is also emblazoned on the boxes of supplies we are sending abroad. The
Taiwanese people have the kindest hearts in the entire world, and we
will always offer help to the international community whenever we are

我也希望全体国人同胞,除了分享光荣跟喜悦之外,也能体会“自助助人、自助人助”的精神。I hope that
in addition to sharing in a sense of pride and joy, my fellow citizens
can take to heart the spirit of “helping ourselves to help others”;
“when we help ourselves, others will help us.”

疫情还没有完全结束,我们不能有丝毫松懈。就算疫情过去了,冲击也不会立刻散去。This pandemic has not yet ended, and we must remain vigilant. Even when it ends, its impacts will linger on.

coronavirus has profoundly affected our world. It has changed the
global political and economic order, accelerated and expanded the
reorganization of global supply chains, restructured the global economy,
and changed the way we live and shop. It has even changed the way the
international community views Taiwan and developments in the surrounding

changes present us with both challenges and opportunities. I want to
ask that my fellow citizens be prepared, because countless challenges
and difficulties remain ahead of us.

the next four years, only those who can end the pandemic within their
borders, lay out a strategy for their country’s survival and
development, and take advantage of opportunities in the complex world of
tomorrow, will be able to set themselves apart on the international

治理国家从来不能依赖激情,而是要在变局中,保持冷静、指出方向。过去四年,这一点,我做到了。It takes
more than fervor to govern a country. Leadership means calmly taking the
right direction in a changing world. That is precisely what I have done
over the past four years.

said before that I will leave you with a better country. So over the
next four years, I will proactively develop our industries, foster a
safe society, ensure national security, and deepen our democracy. I am
going to reinvent Taiwan and lead our country into the future.

(三)国家建设工程 National Development1.产业与经济发展1. Industrial and Economic Development我知道,台湾人民最关心的,就是我们的产业和经济的发展。我们在2016年启动了“经济发展新模式”,致力让台湾经济走向世界。四年来,在国际经济的巨大变局下,台湾不仅挺了过来,经济成长更回到四小龙的第一名,股市万点也成为常态。 I
know that the Taiwanese people are most concerned about our industrial
and economic development. In 2016, we initiated a new economic
development model to help connect Taiwan’s economy to the world. Over
the past four years, despite massive changes in the international
economy, Taiwan has done more than just weather the storm. Our economic
growth has once again topped the Four Asian Tigers, and the stock market
index now regularly breaks 10,000 points.

因为疫情控制得当,台湾至今,仍然可以维持经济正成长,这是全球少有的。但我们在纾困以及振兴经济上,必须持续超前部署,全力维持经济稳定成长。 Thanks
to our successful control of the pandemic, so far, Taiwan is able to
maintain positive economic growth. This is rare in the world. However,
we need to continue to take early action on economic relief and
revitalization, and do whatever it takes to maintain stable economic

未来四年,我们面对的,是全球经济更剧烈变动,和供应链加速重整的局面。在整体经济方面,我们将秉持“稳定中追求成长、变局中把握先机”的政策理念,持续落实前瞻基础建设、兆元投资等重大计划,来巩固未来几十年的经济发展。 Over
the next four years, we will face more intense changes in the global
economy and the accelerated reorganization of supply chains. We will
continue to implement our Forward-looking Infrastructure Development and
trillion NT-dollar investment programs. We will do so in the spirit of
“achieving growth through stability, and seizing opportunity amid
changes,” in order to secure Taiwan’s economic development over the
coming decades.

terms of industrial development, we are going to take advantage of the
opportunities before us in six core strategic industries founded on our
5+2 Innovative Industries Program, to transform Taiwan into a critical
force in the global economy.

●六大核心战略产业Six Core Strategic Industries

we will continue to develop our information and digital industries. We
will take advantage of Taiwan’s strengths in the semiconductor and ICT
industries to secure a central role in global supply chains, and make
Taiwan a major base for the development of next generation technologies,
including IoT and AI.

we are going to develop a cybersecurity industry that can integrate
with 5G, digital transformation, and our national security. We will
strive to create cybersecurity systems and an industrial chain that can
protect our country and earn the world’s trust.

we are going to create biotech and medical technology industries
integrated with the rest of the world. Throughout this pandemic,
Taiwanese teams have proven that they are capable of working with
world-class technologies to produce reagents and develop new drugs and
vaccines. We are going to give these industries our utmost support, and
transform Taiwan into a key force in the global battle against
infectious diseases.

we are going to develop national defense and strategic industries by
integrating military and civilian capabilities. In addition to
domestically-produced naval vessel and aircraft programs that are
currently underway, we will push harder to promote technological
integration between the military and the private sector, to stimulate
private sector production capabilities, and advance into the aviation
and space industries.

第五,我们要加速发展绿电及再生能源产业。过去四年,再生能源有飞跃性的发展,台湾成为国际再生能源投资的热点。在这个基础上,2025年绿能占整体能源百分之二十的目标,我有信心可以达成,台湾将成为亚太绿能中心。 Fifth,
we are going to accelerate the development of green energy and
renewable energy industries. Over the past four years, renewable energy
has experienced explosive growth, and Taiwan has become a hotspot for
international investment. Building on this foundation, I am confident
that we will achieve our goal of deriving 20% of our overall energy from
green sources by 2025. We are going to make Taiwan a center for green
energy in Asia.

we are going to establish strategic stockpile industries that can
ensure the steady provision of critical supplies. Facing changes to the
global order, we need to keep key industrial chains in Taiwan and
maintain a certain degree of self-sufficiency in the production of face
masks, medical and daily supplies, energy, and food.

the current international climate, countries that end their dependence
on others will have a head start on national development. I would like
our friends across all industries to rest assured that our government
stands with you. Over the next few years, we have several strategies to
drive the growth of our industries.

● 产业发展策略 Industrial Development Strategy首先,我们要将国内需求,作为基础能量,来带动产业发展。尤其是公共部门的需求,以及维持国家安全的基本需求。First,
we will use domestic demand, particularly demand from the public sector
and national security needs, as the basic engine for our industrial

prime example of this is the way strategic demand for face masks and
other medical supplies throughout this pandemic has spurred the
development of related industries. We can adopt a similar model for our
national defense and renewable energy industries to help accelerate
their development.

will continue to organize “national teams”, like our face mask team,
according to the size and conditions of different industries. We will
utilize our government’s guarantee of domestic demand to establish a
global strategic materials manufacturing industry under the “Taiwanese
brand” and help it expand into other markets.

再来,我们知道,金融支援是产业发展最重要的环节。未来,我们会采取更灵活的金融政策,持续改革金融体制,运用更多元的金融手段,来协助产业的资金需求。 We
know that financial support is crucial to industrial development.
Looking to the future, we will adopt more flexible financial policies,
continue to reform financial systems, and use more diverse means to help
industries obtain the financing they need.

will also work to create a safe environment for our industries. Our
government is committed to maintaining sound public health and national
security systems, a stable society, strong rule of law, and a healthy
market. We need to offer these guarantees so that high-tech and
strategic industries will be willing to choose Taiwan as their
production and R&D base.

will also continue to guide the global expansion of our industries. We
will keep working to sign trade or investment protection agreements with
the United States, Japan, and European countries.

我们持续推动新南向政策的同时,也会积极开拓其它有潜力的市场,鼓励厂商前往布局,为产业的国际合作,创造更有利的条件。当我们在全球寻找机会时,各地的台商将会是我们最好的伙伴。 As
we continue to promote our New Southbound Policy, we will also develop
other potential markets and encourage firms to establish operations
there, giving our industries an edge when they engage in international
cooperation. Overseas Taiwanese business communities around the world
will be our best partners as we seek new international opportunities.

we have the issue of talent. In order for Taiwan to become a key global
economic force, we need a diverse talent pool. My government will bring
in the world’s top technical, R&D, and management talents to help
globalize Taiwan’s workforce, widen our industries’ horizons, and give
them the ability to compete in the international arena.

to the future, Taiwan must further connect with the international
community. We will work to cultivate more outstanding bilingual and
digital talents, giving our industries a global competitive edge.

the next four years, Taiwan’s economy will enter a new stage, complete
with more flexible capital and talent flows, more robust industrial
capabilities, and closer ties with the world. Together, we are going to
enter a new era of shared prosperity.

2.社会安定:医疗健康网、社会安全网,接住每个需要帮助的人2. Safe Society: Health and Social Safety Nets to Catch Those Who Need Help产业发展的同时,我们不会忘记社会安定,也是人民对政府的重要期待。一个更好的国家,政府必须要担起更多责任,来减轻人民的负担,减少社会的问题。As
we develop our industries, we will also keep in mind that the people
expect the government to foster a safe society. To be a better country,
the government must take on more responsibilities to reduce the burden
on the people and mitigate issues in society.

the past few years, we have addressed Long-term Care 2.0, childcare,
and residential justice issues. Over the next four years, my goal is to
weave an even tighter net that can catch every single person who needs
help and prevent future tragedies.健康防疫安全网Health and Disease Prevention Safety Net

we will strengthen our health and disease prevention safety net. Taiwan
is an ageing society, and infectious diseases pose a serious challenge
to the health of our people. That is why we need to bolster our disease
prevention and treatment capabilities and link industries to make more
breakthroughs in vaccine and new drug development, as well as infectious
disease prevention and treatment, so that people can enjoy healthy
lives and receive better care.

社会安全网补漏网Mending Gaps in the Social Safety Net接着,我们要把社会安全网的漏洞补起来。这几年来,有几起跟“思觉失调症”患者相关的治安事件,引起很多讨论。不只是“思觉失调症”,其他精神疾病、毒瘾、家庭暴力等问题也一样。Our
second step will be to mend the gaps in our social safety net. Over the
past few years, a great deal of discussion has arisen around public
safety incidents involving schizophrenia patients. The same goes for
other mental illnesses, drug addiction, and domestic violence.

understand your concerns. These issues are not just the responsibility
of individuals or families, they are the responsibility of the
government. When families are unable to provide proper care, the
government has a duty to step in and help.

am going to upgrade our social care system, enhance the capabilities of
frontline social workers, and improve their work environments, so that
they can work at the grassroots and identify people who have fallen
through the gaps in our safety net.

cannot hold medical agencies or individual judges solely responsible
for controversies surrounding specific cases. Our judicial and executive
branches should reevaluate and optimize these systems and take
initiatives to make any necessary legal amendments.

3.国家安全:国防事务改革、积极参与国际、两岸和平稳定3. National Security: National Defense Reforms, Active International Participation, Peaceful and Stable Cross-strait Relations一个更好的国家,也必须重视国家安全。过去四年,我们推动国防事务改革、积极参与国际,维持两岸关系的和平稳定,希望让台湾在印太地区的和平、稳定与繁荣,扮演更积极的角色。未来四年,这些政策方向不会改变,我们也会做得更多。A
better country requires a greater emphasis on national security. Over
the past four years, we have pushed for national defense reforms, active
international participation, and peaceful, stable cross-strait
relations. We hope that Taiwan can play a more active role in the peace,
stability, and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region. Over the next
four years, the direction of our policies will remain the same, and we
will do even more.

国防事务改革National Defense Reforms在国防事务改革方面,有三个重要的方向。第一是加速发展“不对称战力”。在强化防卫固守能力的同时,未来战力的发展,将着重机动、反制、非传统的不对称战力,并且能够有效防卫“网路战”、“认知战”,以及“超限战”的威胁,达成重层吓阻的战略目标。We
have three important directions for our national defense reforms. First
is accelerating the development of our asymmetrical capabilities. While
we work to bolster our defense capabilities, future combat capacity
development will also emphasize mobility, countermeasures, and
non-traditional asymmetrical capabilities. We will also work to
strengthen our defenses against the threats of cyber warfare, cognitive
warfare, and “unrestricted” warfare to achieve our strategic goal of
multidomain deterrence.

second is substantive reforms to our military reserve and mobilization
systems. We need to enhance the quality of our reserve forces, as well
as their weapons, equipment, and training, in order to achieve effective
jointness with our regular forces. We also need to establish a
standing, interdepartmental system connecting our reserve and
mobilization systems. This system will help coordinate personnel and
supplies, so that we can successfully mobilize during a transition from
peacetime to war.

is improvements to our military’s management institutions. Today’s
young servicemembers have all grown up in a democratic society, and one
of our most important missions will be to find ways for them to better
utilize their professional skills in line with military needs.

young servicemembers have difficulties adjusting to military needs,
reflecting the gap between today’s society and our military management
institutions. We need to work to close that gap. We need to reduce
negative societal views of the military and end the gradual erosion of
our military’s prestige and morale due to individual incidents caused by
imperfect institutions.

we will improve appeal and counseling mechanisms within the military,
establish a fair and equitable incident investigation mechanism, and
regularly evaluate personnel placements. In terms of education and
training, we will strengthen leadership capacities across all levels of
leadership and foster a modern management system that emphasizes

我们要在维持战力的团队军纪,以及社会价值对个人的尊重之间,取得均衡。We need to
strike a balance between the team-oriented military discipline needed
for actual combat and society’s respect for the individual.

积极参与国际社会Active International Participation在国际层面,过去四年,我们积极参与各项国际重大议题,包括反恐合作、人道援助、宗教自由,以及非传统安全等重要全球议题。Over
the past four years, we have actively taken part in addressing major
global issues, including counter-terrorism cooperation, humanitarian
assistance, religious freedom, and nontraditional security.

this global pandemic, we have been praised for providing selfless
assistance to the international community wherever we are able.

has been deemed a democratic success story, a reliable partner, and a
force for good in the world by the international community. All
Taiwanese people should take pride in this.

the next four years, we will continue to fight for our participation in
international organizations, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation
with our allies, and bolster ties with the United States, Japan,
Europe, and other like-minded countries.

will also participate more actively in regional cooperation mechanisms
and work hand-in-hand with countries in the region to make concrete
contributions to peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific

和平稳定的两岸关系Peaceful and Stable Cross-strait Relations面对复杂多变的两岸情势,过去四年,我们尽力为两岸和平稳定,做出最大的努力,也获得国际社会的肯定;我们会持续努力,也愿意跟对岸展开对话,为区域安全,做出更具体的贡献。In
the face of complex and changing cross-strait circumstances, we have
made the greatest effort to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan
Strait over the past four years, gaining approval from the international
community. We will continue these efforts, and we are willing to engage
in dialogue with China and make more concrete contributions to regional

I want to reiterate the words “peace, parity, democracy, and dialogue.”
We will not accept the Beijing authorities’ use of “one country, two
systems” to downgrade Taiwan and undermine the cross-strait status quo.
We stand fast by this principle.

will continue to handle cross-strait affairs according to the
Constitution of the Republic of China and the Act Governing Relations
between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. This has
been our consistent position for maintaining the peaceful and stable
status quo in the Taiwan Strait.

relations have reached a historical turning point. Both sides have a
duty to find a way to coexist over the long term and prevent the
intensification of antagonism and differences. Faced with changing
circumstances, I will hold firm to my principles, adopt an open attitude
to resolve issues, and shoulder my responsibilities as President. I
also hope that the leader on the other side of the Strait will take on
the same responsibility, and work with us to jointly stabilize the
long-term development of cross-strait relations.

(四)国家体制强化及民主深化Strengthening State Institutions and Democracy未来四年,除了国家建设的工程,政府体制的优化,也非常重要。立法院即将成立修宪委员会,提供一个平台,让攸关政府制度以及人民权利的各项宪政体制改革议题,能够被充分对话、形成共识。While
we work to achieve national development, it is crucial that we optimize
our government institutions over the next four years. Our Legislative
Yuan will establish a constitutional amendment committee, giving us a
platform to engage in dialogue and reach a consensus on constitutional
reforms pertaining to government systems and people’s rights.

democratic process will enable the constitutional system to progress
with the times and align with the values of Taiwanese society. Our first
priority should be to lower the voting age from 20 to 18, an issue on
which both the majority and opposition parties are in agreement.

terms of judicial reform, I delivered on my promise to convene a
National Congress on Judicial Reform, and we completed amendments to the
Judges Act, the Attorney Regulation Act, the Constitutional Court
Procedure Act, and the Labor Incident Act. This is all base work for the
further improvement of our judicial system.

our judicial reforms are still in transition, and our current progress
has not yet met the public’s expectations. I will continue to solicit
opinions from across society and keep pressing forward. The people’s
dissatisfaction drives us to continue on the path of reform.

the next four years, we need to implement a lay judge system, so that
citizens can act as lay judges in court and become catalysts for
judicial reform. This will help bridge the distance between the people
and our judicial system, so that it aligns better with their
expectations and earns their trust.

constitutional institutions must also continue on the path of reform.
The Executive Yuan will reevaluate and reinitiate its organizational
reform process, including the establishment of a specialized digital
development agency and adjustments to all ministries in line with
current needs. This will enable governance capabilities to be more
responsive to the needs of national development.

National Human Rights Commission under the Control Yuan will officially
be established in August of this year. This will be a milestone in our
journey to place human rights at the center of Taiwan’s national ethos,
and marks the start of a new chapter for the Control Yuan.

new Examination Yuan team will be instated in September, and I will ask
them to propose a comprehensive reform plan and evaluate past policies,
so that they can become an effective human resource department that can
cultivate the talent a modern government needs.

fellow citizens, over the past 70 years, the Republic of China (Taiwan)
has grown more resilient and unified through countless challenges. We
have resisted the pressure of aggression and annexation. We have made
the transition from authoritarianism to democracy. Although we were once
isolated in the world, we have always persisted in the values of
democracy and freedom, no matter the challenges ahead of us. We will
always remain committed to our common belief: Taiwan must help ourselves
to help others, and when we help ourselves, others will help us.

of the heroes in our fight against COVID-19 are here with us today,
including members of our national face mask team, our Central Epidemic
Command Center’s public health team, and Premier Su Tseng-chang’s team.

are many more heroes from all walks of life not in attendance today:
medical workers, postal workers, pharmacists, convenience store clerks,
taxi drivers, and many more.

may not be able to call out all of your names, but I want everyone to
know that Taiwan has overcome countless challenges over the past 70
years, relying on not just one or two heroes, but thanks to countless
heroes such as yourselves, working together to turn the wheels of
history. You have helped make Taiwan a happy, safe, and prosperous place
for generations to come.

want to express my respect to all of you. Every single person in Taiwan
is a hero. Vice President Lai and I are honored to take on the
responsibility you have entrusted to us.

on the responsibility of the President of the Republic of China in such
difficult times brings me more pressure than joy. But I will not back
down, because all of you are with me.

path forward will not be easy, and greater challenges await us. But we
are a country that has persevered through even the greatest hardships.
We, the 23 million people, have always been and will always be a
community with a shared destiny.

truly hope that all of my fellow citizens will remember how it felt to
come together to overcome the challenges of the past few months. The
Republic of China can be united. Taiwan can be safe. Being Taiwanese can
be an honor that makes you hold your head high.

dear citizens, the path ahead of us is long, and we are about to begin a
new chapter in Taiwan’s story. Taiwan’s story belongs to each and every
one of us, and it needs each and every one of us.

ask that the 23 million people of Taiwan act as our guides and
partners. Let us pool our wisdom and courage and make this country a
better place together. Thank you.

