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梅首相吃薯條被嫌棄 英國大選 趣事一堆

英國媒體勸告政客,最好不要當眾吃東西,因為太影響形象了,即使乾淨整潔的首相也不例外。但是保守黨的支持者表示,即使首相把番茄醬蹭到鼻子上,他們還會把票投給她,因為人們不關心她怎麼吃薯條,人們只關心她如何應對脫歐的難題。(DYLAN MARTINEZ/AFP/Getty Images)

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【大紀元2017年05月09日訊】(大紀元英國記者站報導)英國原定2020年舉行大選,卻因脫歐一事提前3年舉行,時間定在今年6月8日,所以現在英國各黨派都在忙這件事,再忙也要吃飯吧, 可怜首相梅在參加康沃爾郡Mevagissey地區舉行的一個競選活動中,忙裡偷閒地吃點薯條也被鏡頭逮到啦!


英國媒體勸告政客,最好不要當眾吃東西,因為太影響形象了,即使乾淨整潔的首相也不例外。但是保守黨的支持者表示,即使首相把番茄醬蹭到鼻子上,他們還會把票投給她,因為人們不關心她怎麼吃薯條,人們只關心她如何應對脫歐的難題。(DYLAN MARTINEZ/AFP/Getty Images)
英國媒體勸告政客,最好不要當眾吃東西,因為太影響形象了,即使乾淨整潔的首相也不例外。但是保守黨的支持者表示,即使首相把番茄醬蹭到鼻子上,他們還會把票投給她,因為人們不關心她怎麼吃薯條,人們只關心她如何應對脫歐的難題。(DYLAN MARTINEZ/AFP/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 03: Police officers speak to a Daily Mirror campaigner dressed as a chicken outside a venue where Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond and Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, David Davis, are due to make an election campaign speech on June 8th, on May 3, 2017 in London, England. Mr Davis rejected a reported bill of as much as 100 billion euros from the European Union, and threatened to walk away from the bloc without a deal if provoked. (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)
黃毛大公雞也來摻和英國大選。自從英國首相拒絶與工黨領袖進行面對面的辯論後,《每日鏡報》經常派出一隻大公雞出現在保守黨的大選活動現場外,抗議首相「膽小如雞」。看,連左邊的警察叔叔都覺得很搞笑呢。( Carl Court/Getty Images)
BEDFORD, ENGLAND - MAY 03: Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn attends a Labour Party general election campaign event on May 3, 2017 in Bedford, England. The Prime Minister visited HM The Queen today at Buckingham Palace to ask for the dissolution of Parliament signalling the official start to the General Election Campaign. Voters will go to the polls across the UK on June 8th. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
BEDFORD, ENGLAND – MAY 03: Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn 好香啊!工黨領袖科爾賓在Bedford進行大選宣傳期間,工黨的支持者向他贈送了玫瑰。(Leon Neal/Getty Images)
KIDLINGTON, ENGLAND - MAY 03: Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron (R) puts his hand on Cillian crying as his mother the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Henley constituency Laura Coyle (L) looks on comforting him while Liberal Democrat candidate for the constituency of Oxford West and Abingdon, Layla Moran (C) stands behind watching at a campaign event on May 3, 2017 in Kidlington, a village outside of Oxford, England. The country goes back to the polls for the second time in two years as a general election is held on June 8. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
真是尷尬!自民黨領袖法隆在牛津進行大選宣傳期間,自己黨派的地方選舉候選人帶著女兒一起參加,結果小女孩當眾哇哇大哭。(Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

