
Taiwanese for Justice and Peace: A Music and Prayer Event

人氣 3


時間: 2006年 9 月9 日(星期六) 下午 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
TIME: Saturday, September 9, 2006 (2:30 – 4:30 p.m.)

地點: 華府雙橡園 (3225 Woodley Road, NW, Washington, DC 20008)
PLACE: Twin Oaks, 3225 Woodley Road, NW, Washington, DC 20008

司會: 楊遠薰女士(巴爾地摩台灣同鄉會會長)
Master of Ceremonies: Mrs. Carole Hsu

司琴: 謝慈音女士
Organist: Ms. Shirley Pan
14:30 會前詩歌 台灣頌 董聖婉女士
Warm-up singing: Formosa Song (Keep our dreams alive) Ms. Sharon Pan
14:45 大會開始 華府、北維州台灣基督長老教會聯合聖歌隊
Beginning of Worship: I want to serve God throughout my life TPC & NVaPC
14:51 祈禱 為世界公義和平祈禱 華府教會鄭義勇牧師
Prayer: Justice and peace on earth Rev. James Cheng
14:55 歡迎詞 李大維大使
Welcoming remarks Ambassador Dr. David Lee
15:00 來賓致詞 華府台灣同鄉會等社團或組織代表
Guest remarks
15:10 詩歌 布農頌讚組曲 台灣原住民淡濃教會詩班
Singing & Dancing Bu Long Praise Composition Dam Long Church, Taiwan
15:16 信息 台灣聯合國協進會秘書長羅榮光牧師
Messages Rev. Dr. William Lo, Secretary-General, The Taiwan UN Alliance
15:26 祈禱 為美國公義和平祈禱 北維州教會陳清芳牧師
Prayer: Justice and peace for the United States Rev.David Chen
15:30 詩歌 阿美頌讚組曲 台灣原住民中正教會詩班
Singing & Dancing Amy Praise Composition Tiong Cheng Church, Taiwan
15:36 祈禱 為台灣公義和平祈禱 林照清牧師
Prayer: Justice and peace for Taiwan Rev. Chiao Cheng Lim
15:40 合唱 華府台灣合唱團
Chorus Washington Taiwanese Chorus
15:45 齊唱 台灣頌 會眾一同
Chorus: Formosa Song (Keep our dreams alive) Audience
15:50 請安及祝禱 美國聯合衛理公會Roy Sano主教
Greetings & Benediction Bishop Roy Sano, United Methodist Church
16:00 茶點交誼 駐美國台灣大使館、華府台灣同鄉會共同提供
Fellowship Provided by Tecro and Taiwanese Association of Washington

大會衷心感謝每一位貴賓以及每一位鄉親撥冗參與盛會。大會又衷心感謝各組、以及各單位密切的配合和熱心的奉獻,包括場地的提供、事工的聯絡、新聞的發佈、人員的動員、茶點的準備、會場的佈置、交通的服務、醫護的安全、人員的招待等等。請珍重再會!! 請小心開車!!!

若有指教或建議,請來電話(202) 554-4314或傳真(202) 479-4218 (王能祥)

The sponsoring organizations want to express their heartfelt thanks to the event’s guests and dignitaries for their attendance. To all other audience, kindly accept our utmost sincere thanks.

The sponsoring groups appreciate, and are grateful to, all volunteers for dedication, support, and contribution. Special thanks are to the individuals who made efforts in location offering, task force coordination, program design, news release distribution, mobilization for participation, transportation assistance, fellowship service, health care, and ushering.

For further information, kindly reach Neng-Hsiang Wang at (202) 554-4314 by phone or (202) 479-4218 by fax. So long and drive carefully!!!(http://www.dajiyuan.com)

鋼琴獨奏會 慶祝五月亞太節
美國首都慶祝法輪大法日 各族裔感恩師父