
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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他們開始問我有關法輪功的問題 ——不是出於惡意,而是出於想瞭解真相。



A policeman from the neighborhood police station called early the next morning, telling me to go to the police station right away.

Putting on my pale blue dress, combing my long hair neatly, I walked toward the police station with light steps. When I saw the policeman in the doorway of the police station, I bade him good morning smilingly.

He appeared a bit shocked, and then bade me good morning too.

In a small office, he took notes while interrogating me:

“How do you feel after being detained in the detention center for fifteen days?”

“I feel great.”

“You feel great after fifteen days of detention?”



“Because during the fifteen days I have more profoundly experienced the greatness of Falun Dafa.”

He lowered his head and took notes.

“As such a well-educated person like you, didn’t you feel hard to be detained in that kind of place?”

“No, I didn’t feel hard. Instead, having Dafa in my heart made my moral character uplifted in that harsh environment. All the money and comfort in the world couldn’t bring my heart happiness; but as my moral character keeps uplifting, I have clearly felt the happiness of my heart and the truly wonderful significance of life.”

I spoke slowly, peacefully, and clearly so that he could write down every word I said.
“Will you go to Beijing again?”

“Is there an item in China’s law or constitution stating that Falun Dafa practitioners are forbidden to go to the capital?”

He smiled an embarrassed smile.

I began telling him sincerely how I had been saved and changed by Dafa.

I didn’t view him as a policeman who was interrogating me, but viewed him as a human being who needed to be awakened from the CCP’s evil propaganda.

He was attracted by my story, forgot his interrogation and listened quietly to me.

Several policemen strolled into the office one by one from next door to listen to me.

I inserted Master Li’s poems into my talking, reciting the poems for them softly.

They started asking me questions about Falun Gong – not out of hostility, but out of the desire to know the truth.

Suddenly, a fiendish voice roared from the next door office, “Don’t you guys be converted by her!”

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