
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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On the third morning, the Chatou chief walked into the cell, took a glance at my legs and said coldly, “Yiwen Tang! If you still refuse to cooperate with us, your legs will be utterly destroyed!”

I said to her in my heart, “You could take away my legs. You could take my life. But you could never take away my belief in Dafa.”

My body was getting weaker and weaker, my feet and legs were getting more and more painful, but my willpower was becoming stronger and stronger with reciting Zhuan Falun around the clock.

That night, seeing my face glowing redder and redder, one of the watching-inmates reported to the guards. A guard took me to the brigade infirmary, where a doctor prescribed me antipyretic after taking my temperature.

“Please don’t waste medicine, doctor. I won’t take it.”

“Why not?”

“I’m suffering torture at the moment, being forced to stand around the clock without sleep. Taking antipyretic would make me unable to keep a clear head.”

The doctor was the chief of the Third Brigade infirmary. She might sense I wouldn’t care about losing my legs and my life for Dafa, thereby thinking it already meaningless to continue the torture, so she said to the guard standing beside her, “Let her sleep.”

The guard gave a faint and reluctant nod.

When midnight was coming, a captain came into the cell and told me to go to bed.

I limped over to the bunk and lay down slowly.

The two watching-inmates sat on another bunk gazing at me silently. Thereafter, they called me “Teacher Tang” when there was no guard around.

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