组图:川普伉俪出访日本 首日球叙茶叙

人气 2390




US President Donald Trump (R) and his wife Melania arrive at Yokota Air Base in Tokyo on November 5, 2017. Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / Kazuhiro NOGI AND KAZUHIRO NOGI (Photo credit should read KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,美国总统川普(特朗普)伉俪搭乘空军一号专机,抵达东京横田空军基地。(KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
US President Donald Trump (C-L) and his wife Melania (C-R) are welcomed upon arrival at Yokota Air Base in Fussa City, Tokyo prefecture on November 5, 2017. Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Kazuhiro NOGI (Photo credit should read KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,美国总统川普(特朗普)伉俪抵达东京横田空军基地,军官列队欢迎。(KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
TOPSHOT - US President Donald Trump (C-L) and his wife Melania (C-R) are welcomed upon arriving at Yokota Air Base in Tokyo on November 5, 2017. Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Kazuhiro NOGI (Photo credit should read KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京横田空军基地,美国总统川普从接机的人群中拿到自己的照片,开心高举起来。(KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
US President Donald Trump (R) and First Lady Melania smile upon arriving at US Yokota Air Base in Tokyo on November 5, 2017. Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / Toshifumi KITAMURA / The erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by Toshifumi KITAMURA has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [November 5] instead of [November 4]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instructions will entail liability on your part for any continued or post notification usage. Therefore we thank you very much for all your attention and prompt action. We are sorry for the inconvenience this notification may cause and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require. (Photo credit should read TOSHIFUMI KITAMURA/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京横田空军基地,川普及梅拉尼娅现身演说会场,川普准备发表演说。(TOSHIFUMI KITAMURA/AFP/Getty Images)
TOPSHOT - US President Donald Trump (R) prepares to addresse US soldiers as his wife Melania looks on upon arriving at US Yokota Air Base in Tokyo on November 5, 2017. Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / JIM WATSON (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京横田空军基地,川普穿上飞行夹克准备发表演说,梅拉尼娅在一旁鼓掌。(JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
US President Donald Trump (C) shakes hands with US forces Japan commamder Lt General Jerry Martinez (R) as US First Lady Melania looks on upon arriving at US Yokota Air Base in Tokyo on November 5, 2017. Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / Toshifumi KITAMURA (Photo credit should read TOSHIFUMI KITAMURA/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,川普和驻日美军司令马丁尼兹(Jerry P. Martinez,右)握手致意。(TOSHIFUMI KITAMURA/AFP/Getty Images)
US President Donald Trump waves to US soldiers as his wife Melania looks on upon arriving at US Yokota Air Base in Tokyo on November 5, 2017. Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / Toshifumi KITAMURA (Photo credit should read TOSHIFUMI KITAMURA/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京横田空军基地,川普演说结束后,和基地军官挥手致意。(TOSHIFUMI KITAMURA/AFP/Getty Images)


安倍特别为川普准备了一顶帽子,上面写有:“川普及安倍,让盟国更伟大”(Donald and Shinzo, Make Alliance Even Greater)。


2017年11月5日,川普和安倍在高尔夫球场共进午餐。(Laurent FIEVET AND FRANCK ROBICHON/AFP)


法新社报导,安倍昭惠在御木本(Mikimoto)旗舰店迎接梅拉尼娅(Melania Trump),俩人见面亲颊示好,接着进入旗舰大楼内部专供贵宾茶叙或喝咖啡的“隐藏楼层”。



US First Lady Melania Trump (C) arrives at Mikimoto Ginza Main Store in the fashionable Ginza district of Tokyo on November 5, 2017. US President Donald Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / David MAREUIL (Photo credit should read DAVID MAREUIL/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京,美国第一夫人梅拉尼娅抵达珍珠精品店御木本(Mikimoto)旗舰店。(DAVID MAREUIL/AFP/Getty Images)
US First Lady Melania Trump (R) is welcomed by Japanese First Lady Akie Abe (L) upon arriving at Mikimoto Ginza Main Store in the fashionable Ginza district of Tokyo on November 5, 2017. US President Donald Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / David MAREUIL (Photo credit should read DAVID MAREUIL/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京,日本第一夫人安倍昭惠在珍珠精品店御木本迎接梅拉尼娅,俩人见面亲颊示好。(DAVID MAREUIL/AFP/Getty Images)
US First Lady Melania Trump (2nd L) poses with Akie Abe (2nd R), wife of Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and Hitoshi Yoshida (R), president of luxury Japanese pearl company Mikimoto during a visit to the Mikimoto Ginza Main Store in the fashionable Ginza district of Tokyo on November 5, 2017. US First Lady Melanie Trump on November 5 got a glimpse of Japanese cultured pearls at Tokyo's glitzy shopping district while President Donald Trump played golf with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on his first day of his Asian tour. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / DAVID MAREUIL (Photo credit should read DAVID MAREUIL/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京,梅拉尼娅和安倍昭惠在珍珠精品店御木本合影留念。(DAVID MAREUIL/AFP/Getty Images)
US First Lady Melania Trump (C) poses with Akie Abe (R), wife of Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, for a photo during a visit to the Mikimoto Ginza Main Store in the fashionable Ginza district of Tokyo on November 5, 2017. US First Lady Melanie Trump on November 5 got a glimpse of Japanese cultured pearls at Tokyo's glitzy shopping district while President Donald Trump played golf with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on his first day of his Asian tour. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / David MAREUIL (Photo credit should read DAVID MAREUIL/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京,梅拉尼娅和安倍昭惠在珍珠精品店御木本合影留念。(DAVID MAREUIL/AFP/Getty Images)
US First Lady Melania Trump (C-R), Japanese First Lady Akie Abe (C-L) and Ama divers visit the Mikimoto Pearl head shop in Ginza district of Tokyo on November 5, 2017. US President Donald Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / POOL AND AFP PHOTO / KATSUMI KASAHARA (Photo credit should read KATSUMI KASAHARA/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京,珍珠精品店内身着传统工作服装的两位海女,向梅拉尼娅说明珍珠养殖过程。 (KATSUMI KASAHARA/AFP/Getty Images)
US First Lady Melania Trump (R) and Japanese First Lady Akie Abe (L) visit the Mikimoto Pearl head shop in Ginza district of Tokyo on November 5, 2017. US President Donald Trump touched down in Japan, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / POOL AND AFP PHOTO / KATSUMI KASAHARA (Photo credit should read KATSUMI KASAHARA/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京,梅拉尼娅和安倍昭惠在珍珠精品店合影。(KATSUMI KASAHARA/AFP/Getty Images)





US President Donald Trump (2nd R) and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe meet with their wives Melania Trump (2nd L) and Akie Abe (L) for a dinner at a restaurant in Tokyo on November 5, 2017. Trump touched down in Japan on November 5, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / KIM KYUNG-HOON (Photo credit should read KIM KYUNG-HOON/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京,川普总统伉俪及日本首相安倍伉俪在东京的铁板烧餐厅“银座Ukai-Tei”共进晚餐。(KIM KYUNG-HOON/AFP/Getty Images)
US President Donald Trump (2nd R) and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe meet with their wives Melania Trump (2nd L) and Akie Abe (L) for a dinner at a restaurant in Tokyo on November 5, 2017. Trump touched down in Japan on November 5, kicking off the first leg of a high-stakes Asia tour set to be dominated by soaring tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea. / AFP PHOTO / JIM WATSON (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年11月5日,东京,川普总统伉俪及日本首相安倍伉俪在东京的铁板烧餐厅“银座Ukai-Tei”共进晚餐。 (KIM KYUNG-HOON/AFP/Getty Images)


川普访日 安倍展开高尔夫和铁板烧外交
川普访日 安倍为何安排一起打高尔夫球
加强亚太部署 美首批F-35A隐形战机抵日本
川普亚洲行 陆上座驾“野兽”罕见曝光