


【大纪元1月23日讯】2004年,将是大丹迪农市(City of Greater Dandenong)有史以来最让人振奋的一年。

2004年,一些已有数十年历史的大型项目方案将开始成为现实,包括在以前围栏的位置建拍卖场,重建Dandenong市政会堂,在贵族公园修建一座新的老人院和社区服务设置,履行Springvale 建设计划以及重建Tatterson 公园。

最近,议会必须做出一些重大的决定,这些决定的基础是我们为市民们赢得了的最好的经济,社会和环境成果。我们一直在努力工作着并倾听您对Greater Dandenong未来的设想,我有信心我们一定会实现目标。

Greater Dandenong将有一个光明积极的未来, 成长、扩张和发展是我们的宗旨。我们可以乐观地说,在年头Greater Dandenong就会有贯穿城市的零售商场,我鼓励所有居民都来支持我们奇思妙想的本地商业。

作为墨尔本地区的第二大城市,Greater Dandenong因为这里是个美好的生活,工作和旅游的地方而享有国际声誉。这一荣誉属于这个城市的建设者们,包括你们中的每一个人。在即将到来的一年里,我希望与你们紧密地工作在一起,使这一荣誉继续得到发扬。


市长 凯文华尔士(Cr Kevin Walsh)


Mayor’s New Year Message

Welcome to 2004, and what is set to be one of the most exciting years on record for the City of Greater Dandenong.

Some of the biggest projects this city has seen in decades will begin to materialise in 2004, including property sales at the former stockyards site, redevelopment of the Dandenong Town Hall, a new aged care and community services facility in Noble Park, implementation of the Springvale Structure Plan, and the development of Tatterson Park.

The council has had to make some tough decisions recently, all of which are based on getting the best economic, social and environmental outcomes for our residents. We’ve been working hard and listening to what you want the future of Greater Dandenong to be, and I’m confident we’re hitting the mark.

Greater Dandenong has a bright and positive future ahead, with growth, expansion and development high on our agenda. Retailers right across the city are optimistic about the year ahead, and I encourage all residents to support the fantastic local businesses we have here.

As Melbourne’s second city, we have an international reputation as a great place to live, work and visit. This reputation has been built on the people who make up our city, which is each and every one of you. Throughout the coming year, I look forward to working closely with you and helping to strengthen this reputation.

I wish you all health, happiness and success in 2004.

Cr Kevin Walsh


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