

【大紀元7月25日訊】(大紀元記者南希華盛頓DC報導) 2007年7月20日上午10:00, 來自世界各地的兩千多位民眾聚集在美國首都的華盛頓紀念碑北廣場,聲援二千四百萬中國民眾退出中共。來自紐約、波士頓的幾十位華人在集會現場宣誓退出中 共, 另有二十幾位大陸民眾通過現場直播集會的希望之聲國際廣播電台宣佈退出中共。

華盛頓聲援二千四百萬民眾退出中共國際集會於2007年7月20日華府華盛頓紀念碑 (大紀元圖片)

以下是美國赴第60屆聯合國人權委員會代表團員﹐全美國越南美裔社區顧問, 東南亞民主聯盟主席哈文海博士發言全文。


我今天非常榮幸能夠來到這裡﹐不僅表示我對你們的支持, 同時也為了讓你們知道我永遠和你們一起為中國人民爭取自由和為亞洲促進民主而奮鬥。

通過你們過去幾年的辛勤工作﹐超過 2千4百萬的中共黨員都退了黨﹐加入社會和諧的力量﹐希望將近20億受共產奴役的老百姓都能像自由世界上其他人一樣的享受自由。

共產主義正在解體﹐中國共產黨也不例外。 我想告訴中共的領導人, 現在正是你們放棄你們的權力交還給人民的時候﹔ 現在正是你們與人民站在一起重建老百姓希望的國家的時候﹔現在正是你們重整已被你們破壞和摧毀了數十年的國家的時候﹔現在正是中國的老百姓歡迎你們把中國帶回到民主國家的時候﹐而你們將成為中國的英雄。否則, 你們將會被視為國家的叛徒以及人民的戰犯。



今天, 我們和我們亞洲聯盟的成員們聚在一起向你們承諾,我們既不會休息,也不會停止工作,直到中國脫離枷鎖﹐中國共產黨結束。我堅信這一天會很快來到﹐我們會有尊嚴與尊重的被歡迎回來。


Good Morning

Professor Sen Nieh
Distinguish guests
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am very honored and privileged to be here with you today not only to show my support but also to let you know that I always stand by your side to fight for freedom for the Chinese people and to promote democracy for Asia.

Through your hard work during the past few years, over 24 million of Chinese Communist party members have given up their memberships and joined the people harmony forces, in hope that nearly 2 billion people will rejoice their liberty as the rest of the people in the free world.

Communism is falling therefore Communist of China is no exception. I want to tell the Chinese Communist leaders that, this is the time for all of you to give up your power to the people﹔ this is the time for you to stand by side with your people to rebuild the country in the way of your people wanted﹔ this is the time for you to restore the country which you have ruined and destroyed for many decades and this is the time when Chinese people welcome you to the China Democratic country and you will become the Chinese heroes. Otherwise you will be looked on as traitors of your country and war criminals of your people.

As president of the Southeast Asia Democracy Coalition, I urge President George W. Bush and our U.S Senators and Representatives in Congress to put pressure on China Communist Regime to:

·Release all Political, Religious Leaders unconditionally
·Return all lands, properties to the people
· Stop imprisonment and the killing of Falun Gong Members and the selling their Organs
· Respect human rights for its own people
· Restore liberty for Chinese people

Today, we get-together to make a commitment with our Asian fellows that we neither can rest nor stop working until China is freed and put an END to the Communist Party. I strongly believe that that day will come very soon and we will all be welcomed back with dignity and respect

God bless America and China

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