

【大紀元7月27日訊】(大紀元記者李孜/南希華盛頓DC報導) 2007年7月20日上午, 來自世界四大洲的兩千多位民眾聚集在美國首都的華盛頓紀念碑北面廣場,聲援二千四百萬中國民眾退出中共。集會有約二十多位政要﹑非政府組織領袖﹑各族裔代表﹑人權民主活動家﹑中共暴政受害人等參與發言或寫信聲援,兩個小時的集會全程在大紀元優美客網站上現場即時轉播。來自紐約、波士頓﹑新澤西的幾十位華人在集會現場集體宣誓退出中共,另有二十幾位大陸民眾通過現場直播集會的希望之聲國際廣播電台宣佈退出中共。

華盛頓聲援二千四百萬民眾退出中共國際集會於2007年7月20日華府華盛頓紀念碑 (大紀元圖片)
華盛頓聲援二千四百萬民眾退出中共國際集會於2007年7月20日華府華盛頓紀念碑 (大紀元圖片)

華盛頓聲援二千四百萬民眾退出中共國際集會於2007年7月20日華府華盛頓紀念碑 (大紀元圖片)

卡馬如康先生, 北美洲38個西藏聯合組織前總會長; 前西藏青年國會領袖﹐西藏流亡印度前國會成員,參加聲援二千四百萬中國民眾退出中共華府集會﹐並在集會上發言。











現在說起來已經是歷史的事情了﹐那就是﹐突然的蘇聯解體了﹐整個東歐共產黨解體了。所以又有什麼能夠使中國不會發生同樣的事情呢﹖我們只要看看中國的經濟問題﹐生態環境的問題﹐以及這個禮拜發生超過4 萬次的打雷閃電就知道了。甚至連大地之母的自然現在都跟中國搞不好了。





I thank all of you again for having me once more in this important place for gathering, I bring my personal good wishes and also good wishes of Tibetan people, I may also say that good wishes of Dalai Lama always with Chinese people as a whole. He always call Chinese people his brothers and sisters. We are all on the same boat when it comes to our struggle for our basic rights.

It is amazing that today when I pick up my Epoch Times newspaper, I always pick up my Epoch Times, every second week I have no failure to pick up the newspaper. It confirmed what I heard yesterday in the capitol building, that the Chinese government is using Chinese students and scholars in this great democratic country for their own purposes. I was really shocked to see this morning that Chinese students go for executional political critics in this country. Can you believe that? I think you guys know better than me.

Now, if Communist China can do so much for their students and scholars in America,
What they can not do in China, Tibet, Xin Jiang and with all other minorities? It just takes a little thinking.

So today, on this great occasion of Asia, of Suppression of Falun Gong movement, I pay my respect for those who are so young in their life have given their life, for what ?! …… Don’t you even think for a moment that it is for their personal gains, they did it for freedom, they did it for freedom of expression and religion, and for what they stood for. They stood for ideals greater than individuals.

So I belive that Falun Gong belives and practices what it precious. It is a mass peaceful movement with truth-love-compassion, which all the present religions take. So, why Falun Gong can be treated differently by others? Specially Chinese government? All those who have lost their life, they did so because so that we can continue. They paid with their lives, specially after 1989.

I read the posters all over, the number of people they have died over 3000 Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death. I do believe that some of their costly organs were sold for commercial purpose. So today as we count the days of Communist do, also count the figure of people who have died and the millions of people who have perished, all in the name of Communist and their own private profit.

All of you believe that China has a great civilization. Actually China should be a great nation and it should be providing international leadership because of rich culture and civilization that can both go throughout the world. In stead, it has given up all its good things, and now is crazy after American dollars.
How shameful that our congressman on the hill are shamed to tell the people that American enterprises and American merchandises and American economic people are dying to go to China to make extra bucks of quick money. It is astonishing therefore that people of China are being driven crazy after money. So the challenge is enormous, but as we all know, history repeats and it often repeats quickly now so that we even don’t realize that such a great thing is going to happen.

It is history for now that all of sudden Russia fell apart, the whole Eastern Europe communism fell apart. So what can be held China from happening? Just Imagine economical problem, environmental problem, over 40,000 lighting struck this week in China. Even Mother Nature isn’t getting along well with Communist China now.

So with you all have pray throughout the world, specially from this area, I always pray, because we always believe in good faith. The energy and dedicated Tibetan and other people along with massive Chinese people, will some day, not in a near future I know, but immediately, when people strive for, people like you have given, I am always confident that some day, we will have to cross the sea and go back to China.

The 2008 Olympics is around the corner, I believe that you guys are going to make presence there. Many people, even Tibetan people, in spite of the fact that there is a small number, we made large propaganda materials on the foot of the amount ever since couple months ago and right now at this time in Indian capital New Dali, scholars and deputy in hungry strike and today is the 11 day. What are they asking? They want China government to proof that things are opening in China, that there is human rights in China for the Tibetan people, and be able to bring the prisoner in safe. You probably have heard of the Puncha Lama, they put him as political prisoner who was kept by Chinese when he was only 5. They have not shown his face but they said all is fine. So they are demanding that China should show him. So let’s count our days to 2008 Olympic and I would like to see something specially happening internationally, especially at the site of Olympics.

Thank you all for having me here again, and I am looking forward to working with you again in the future.

Thank you so much.

盜蒂芙尼和卡地亞鑽戒 華裔竊賊被捕
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