
人氣 3


多倫多新唐人晚會的籌備者Carolyn Jin 29日向大紀元證實,已收到加拿大總督發來的賀信。總督在信中對新唐人晚會的籌備者和觀眾表達了祝賀後,稱「我鼓勵你們把(晚會)同你們的同胞分享,並利用一切機會用你們獨特的貢獻為加拿大社會增加活力」(I encourage you to share it with your fellow citizens and to take every opportunity of enlivening our society with your unique contributions)

米歇爾在信中表示,「男女老幼都能從這一天中獲得一種感受——我們在建設一個更好的加拿大。人們可以歡慶他們獨特的東西並成為更大的社區的一部分」 (Each person-woman, man or child-can take away from this day a sense that we are creating a better Canada, where people can rejoice in their distinctiveness, while at the same time being a part of a larger community.)



It is a pleasure to send my greetings to the organizers and guests of the New Tang Dynasty Television Chinese New Year Spectacular.

All across this country, Canadians of Chinese descent, their families and their friends will be celebrating this New Year, the year of the Pig. it is a time of renewal, of hope and of vision. It is also a time to celebrate Chinese culture and history with all Canadians. Your story is our story, and I encourage you to share it with your fellow citizens and to take every opportunity of enlivening our society with your unique contributions

Each person-woman, man or child-can take away from this day a sense that we are creating a better Canada, where people can rejoice in their distinctiveness, while at the same time being a part of a larger community.

I share your wish for peace, prosperity and happiness in the year to come.

Michaelle Jean◇(http://www.dajiyuan.com)

《蠶食美國》製片人加州演講(上): 共產主義者是什麼?
國會第16選區爆冷門 溫和派民主黨拉蒂默贏進步派鮑曼
第40選區州議會初選 金兌錫宣布勝選