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【大紀元7月30日訊】(大紀元記者李森/南希華盛頓DC報導) 2007年7月20日上午, 來自世界四大洲的兩千多位民眾聚集在美國首都的華盛頓紀念碑北面廣場,聲援二千四百萬中國民眾退出中共。集會有約二十多位政要、非政府組織領袖、各族裔代表、人權民主活動家、中共暴政受害人等參與發言或寫信聲援,兩個小時的集會全程在大紀元優美客網站上現場即時轉播。來自紐約、波士頓、新澤西的幾十位華人在集會現場集體宣誓退出中共,另有二十幾位大陸民眾通過現場直播集會的希望之聲國際廣播電台宣布退出中共。


華盛頓聲援二千四百萬民眾退出中共國際集會於2007年7月20日華府華盛頓紀念碑 (大紀元圖片)






在中國,極權統治者嚴厲的控制著一切,只允許極少數中共頭頭們擁有自由及龐大的既得利益。 同時中共發明了一種邪靈力量,使統治階級和廣大人民之間產生一種既恐懼又互不信任的關係,在受苦難中的廣大居民之間也是類似的害怕又互不信任的相處。而另一方面,通過廣泛的收回扣、賄賂、造假冒產品、政府的造假統計數字、和「中國製造Made-in-China」的例如SARS(非典)流行病等,共產主義已經給中國,甚至給全世界,帶來了全面深重的腐敗。



「自由與民主」 這個時代的最好的和最有建設性的政治共生系統,將要,也能夠,結束中國邪靈的極權主義和共產主義。今天的中共領導層滿心歡喜的吹噓明年在北京的夏季奧運會的大小和美麗,我毫不懷疑的相信已經播下的自由民主的火炬,將會遵循明年夏季奧運會的步伐,在共產政權暴力統治60年後的中國大地,點起熊熊烈火。




Thanks for the invitation of the Rally organizer. Before I speak, let me first:

“Salute to Organizers and Thousands of Participants of this Washington DC Rally!”

“Salute to 24 Millions Courageous Chinese Who Quit the Chinese Communist Party!”

“Freedom and Democracy” are the best and the most constructive symbiotic political system of human inventions, and our time in particular. It is too long for China to experiment the demoniac institution of Totalitarianism and Communism in a land where over one quarter of the world’s inhabitants claim to be their home.

In China, the practitioners of Totalitarianism create a tight control allowing liberty only to the very few with strong vested interest in Communist leadership, and, simultaneously invent a psychic force of both fear and mistrust between the ruling elite and the people under its rule–and among the suffering inhabitants. On the other hand, through the extensive practices of kickback, bribery, fake products, fake government statistics, and Made-in-China epidemics such as SARS, Chinese Communism has brought about massive corruptions in China and even the world.

Totalitarian control inevitably will seek to cover up the infamous corruptions arising from Communist rule. And Communist rule will try ceaselessly to kindle people’s absolute fear in Totalitarian control. Some of the greatest fears are children’s open betrayal against their parents and students’ rebellion against their teachers. In such a suppressed culture and distorted society, beneath the façade of silence and tranquility, any rational person could predict that heavy weight revolutionary bombs, more powerful than the atomic bombs throwing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, would already have been awaiting explosion anytime soon.

Two decades ago, the Eastern Bloc, led by Soviet Russia, wrote a great historic chapter that Totalitarianism and Communism could dismantle from within by the invisible revolutionary power of the silent people. I firmly believe the people of China have wisdom and courage to overthrow Chinese Communist regime’s maddening demoniac leadership, which was imposed upon its silent population without their popular consent. Such demon has been in power for too long, becoming too corrupt, and, over the years, logically accelerating its tempo of political decay.

Freedom and Democracy—the best and the most constructive symbiotic political system of our time—will, and can, stop the demoniac institution of Totalitarianism and Communism. Today the Chinese Communist leadership is boasting the size and beauty of the coming Summer Olympic which is scheduled to take place in Beijing next year. I have no doubt in my mind the torch of Freedom and Democracy will follow the steps of next year’s Summer Olympic to set flame on the Communist regime, which, by next year, will have been in power for sixty years.

The sooner the Chinese Communist regime ends its rule, the less costly the damages to China’s culture, society, and its people. When the days come, the liberated New China should without hesitation work out a policy of reconciliation among the people and, with no less urgency, a structure of peace. Such structure should bring about mutual benefits with China’s neighboring countries, and the rest of the world as well by acting as a responsible member of world community.

Thank you all!

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