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Journey in Magination/ink and color painting

Ancient novels like to say “it was as if you had strolled into a painting” when they describe the beauty of the landscape. This implies that the loveliness of real mountains and streams can’t compare with the beauty of a painting.

A painting certainly requires some composition and embellishment to be beautiful. You have to combine real and imaginary things, highlight the main topic and details, draw attention to the main theme, and make way for the high and low. This is how you can emphasize the beauty of the composition, and achieve a lyrical, poetic state.

We long for that kind of poetic condition, and we yearn to dwell there. We want to cast off the fetters of fame and wealth, and go to a place where we can stand aloof from worldly fame and wealth (even if it is a high mountain pass) and live as a hermit. So if we can’t really do that, let’s create that state in a painting so that we can take a imaginary journey there.@



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