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另外,下面是难友范士贵的来信,由于当年他曾支持学生运动,被从湖北省工会判刑入狱 5 年,美好生活全被打乱,至此,出狱后生活一直难于有起色,现正遭受着难于承受的人生不幸,谨请求各位朋友及组织关心与支助!












我的电话:86-10-68437298 13121872592 电子信箱:fanshigui@sina.com




A family of three suffers from uremia. They need urgent help!

My eldest sister, her husband and their son developed uremia in succession. My eldest sister and her husband had died, and my nephew is dying! As his uncle, I have nothing to help him but appeal to the society again and again for aid!
My name is Fan Shigui. I’m male, 42 years old, and I was born in Jingmen city, Hubei Province, P.R.C. I graduated from the International Politics Dept. of the Renmin University of China as a Bachelor of Laws in 1988. In 1989, I was condemned to 5 years of imprisonment and 3 three years of deprival of political right for giving support to the Students’ Strike that year.

During my imprisonment, came the sad news of the death of my beloved eldest brother-in-law from uremia, which overwhelmed me with grief. In my family, due to advancing ages of my parents, my eldest sister and her husband had been doing all the farming works, and they had cared me much from my childhood, looking after my schoolwork and my daily life, and I respected them as they were my parents. But in the end, my brother-in-law died so soon in his early forties. Before he died, I didn’t even have the chance to see him for the last time! And there wouldn’t be the chance for me to return his love any more.

After I was freed from prison, I rushed about for my living in Beijing, and there had been little improvement for years, so I had no capability to take care of my eldest sister to return her love. In 2003, sad news came again: My eldest sister also had uremia, and the disease had developed to advanced stage. Hearing this news, my heart was torn with anxiety, and I couldn’t sleep at night. Although at that time, I was free, but my wife was just pregnant, and I was very poor, so I could not return home to see her. I remitted her RMB 1,000, and I heard that she had been cherishing this money, always keeping it with her, and it was stolen in a bus on the way to a hospital. She cried a lot for it. At the end of that year, due to lack of money, her son, my eldest nephew, had to take her home, waiting for death. My eldest sister had been enduring the extreme agony for the last months of her life, always struggling at full split, and during the hours before she died, she had been screaming: “I wouldn’t die! I wouldn’t die!” till her breath stopped. Hearing that, my heart ached like a dagger stirred in it, and my tears welled like a fountain. I returned home before my old father died last year. There is full of grass grown on the grave of my eldest sister, but to her, all I did was kneeling down before her grave and knocking my head for times, with all my sorrow and remorse!

Last year, my daughter was born. Although I was happy for being a father for the first time in my forties, but my financial situation was worse. In March this year, when my daughter was one year old, I had to send my wife and my daughter back home in Jingmen city, and I was planning that I could toil for years to save some money, and then buy a house in Jingmen city and get the certificate of registered permanent residence for my daughter. In May, bad news came from home again: My eldest nephew also had uremia! After heard this news, I was stunned like I got lightning stroke, and I came to my senses after a long while. I didn’t believe it, so I let my second-eldest nephew, who is a doctor, examine his health again, and the result was chronic renal failure and uremia in advanced stage. For my eldest nephew, if he won’t get treatment, there will be only one year at most left for him. Hearing this, I was so afraid and agitated, and I was in a state of utter stupefaction. I couldn’t understand why bad things happen to the family of my eldest sister again and again! The fate is so pathetic and the world is so unfair!

My eldest nephew isn’t younger much than me. We had been playing and growing up together and close like brothers. Due to the poverty of the family, he returned home to work in the fields when he was very young for supporting his two younger brothers to study, and he tasted the bitterness of life much. Now, his two younger brothers have grown up, and his own son is studying in a school. His wife has bad health, and now he has the incurable disease. The family members dare not tell him the truth now; his wife cries a lot outside, and tries to pretend that nothing happened when she comes home, also she had to farm the ten-odd mu of paddy fields. With both her body and mind exhausted, she is often laid up by sickness. In May, my eldest nephew passed out when he was transplanting rice seedlings, and he couldn’t even breath at that moment. He came to life after emergency treatment in hospital, but because he had no money, he left the hospital after just coming to life. Now he can’t do any heavy work, and he is gloomy. Although he doesn’t know about his illness, but along with his disease aggravating, he will know at last, so we have to find a way out quick.

I didn’t help my eldest sister and her husband, but I would never let my eldest nephew die like that, and I must save him. The only effective cure for uremia is kidney transplant, which needs a lot of money. In May, I sent hundreds of letters on the Internet, appealing to relevant organizations, funds and wealthy people for help, but there was no any response; I lent money from my friends, but there was no any result, and some people even wouldn’t receive my phone calls. For sometime, I was immersed in anxiety, knowing nothing I could do about it.

In June, my wife and daughter got sick at the same time in Jingmen city, and I had to return home to take care of them. I also saw my eldest nephew. He was in bad health, and his mental situation was bad too. His wife was also sick and their son didn’t study well in school either. His family plunged into the hopeless situation. I myself lives on borrowing now. To save the life of my eldest nephew, I had to seek help from all circles of the society and friends in China and abroad! I hope relevant organizations and personnel can donate some money for us, and even lending some money would do. As long as my eldest nephew can be saved, I would do anything. If you have any good idea, please tell me, and even some encouraging words would be extremely appreciated. I hope the press would report and medical organizations would pay attention to this special case, which would provide reference for other cases. If we can raise more money than what would be sufficient for my nephew’s treatment, we will use the surplus for saving other uremic patients.
My telephone: 86-10-68437298 13121872592 E-mail: fanshigui@sina.com


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