

【大紀元11月15日訊】(大紀元記者南希美國華府報導) 在二戰勝利紀念日(Victory-Day of WW-II) 的 11月11日當天﹐大華府退黨服務中心及大紀元時報華府分社在美國首都華盛頓國會反射湖前舉行 “慶祝九評問世二週年及1500萬中國民眾退黨” 的公共集會。近百位大華府地區各界僑民、美國非政府組織代表﹑中共暴政受害者﹑中國問題專家﹑以及遭受共產黨暴政統治的越南、老撾、柬埔寨等社團代表集會發表感言﹐共同慶祝《九評》傳播兩週年﹑聲援1500萬中國 民眾退出中共﹑以及迎接一個沒有共產黨的新中國和自由亞洲。

歷經過去兩年持續的聯繫與作業﹐大華府地區四大社團﹕老撾(寮國)民主社團﹐自由柬埔寨社團﹐自由中國社團﹐及大華府越南社團﹐在2006年7月底曾在維州Papaya 餐廳召開會議﹐討論共產主義在亞洲的罪行和在中國風起雲湧的退黨大潮。會議發表正式公報﹐宣佈成立大華府地區種族社團民主大聯盟 (Alliance for Democracy of Ethnic Communities﹐ADEC )﹐為大華府各種族社團之間尋找出共同合作與相互支持的方法﹐一同見證中共的解體﹐迎接一個沒有共產黨的新亞洲。

此次華府集會﹐種族社團大聯盟(ADEC) 召集人兼越南代表﹑同時也是全美越南美裔社區同鄉會總會長、阮文壇(Tan V. Nguyen) 先生率領各族裔代表參加並發言﹐以下是根據錄音翻譯的演講全文。

大華府地區種族社團民主大聯盟(ADEC)召集人兼越南代表﹑全美越南美裔社區同鄉會總會長阮文壇(Tan V. Nguyen) 先生在華府集會上發言。(大紀元攝影記者麗莎)

各位女士﹑ 各位先生﹐



今天﹐才短短八個月後 ﹐我們再次前來參加你們聲援1500萬退出中共的勇士和慶祝九評傳播兩週年的集會。我以總會長的身份代表全美國30個大城市的越南美裔社區同鄉會﹐為你們難以置信的成功而祝賀。



我們2006年7月在華盛頓DC和你們一起成立了大華府地區種族社團民主大聯盟(ADEC) ﹐我們希望大家密切的合作﹐並且盡全力為仍然在共產黨壓迫下受苦難的國家及人民﹐爭取自由捍衛人權推動民主。


在我發言結束之前﹐我想要大聲呼口號﹕“天滅共產黨﹗ ”
我也希望你們跟著我呼口號時大聲說﹕“滅﹗ 滅﹗ 滅﹗”
天滅共產黨﹗ 滅﹗ 滅﹗ 滅﹗
天滅共產黨﹗ 滅﹗ 滅﹗ 滅﹗
天滅共產黨﹗ 滅﹗ 滅﹗ 滅﹗


大華府地區種族社團民主大聯盟各族裔代表參加華府集會。 (大紀元攝影記者麗莎)


Ladies and Gentlemen,

In early March this year, the Vietnamese-American community of Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia joined you at the Lincoln Memorial to show our respect and support to the 9 millions courageous Chinese people who quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Eight months later, today, we join your public rally again. The number now has already exceeded 15 millions. On behalf of Vietnamese-American Communities in the United States, I, as the President of our organizations, would like to congratulate your fabulous success.

We are sure that this wave of Chinese people quitting the CCP will rise continuously and rapidly until all members of CCP have quit their party association. And by that day, the fantastic victory for all Chinese people who have fought for democracy, liberty, human rights, and equality will arrive.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Also under the very same purpose of the community of Free China, our communities of Free Laos, Free Cambodia, and Free Vietnam in Washington DC are joining you to show the solidarity, and work together to fight against the communist regimes for the democracy, liberty, human rights, and equality for our respective nations.

With you all, we established the Alliance for Democracy of Ethnic Communities (ADEC) in Washington D.C. in July 2006. We hope to work closely together and with our collective competence, let’s fight for the democracy and freedom for the countries and the people that are still under the oppression of the Communist party.

The first memorable event that our Alliance (ADEC) would like to organize is to assist the Free Laos community to hold a demonstration in front of Laos Communist Embassy of Washington DC on December 2nd, 2006. This event is to commemorate the 32 years of the fall of freedom in Laos under the Communist regime, and to raise the awareness of the freedom and democracy for Laotians. I hope that everyone in Chinese, Cambodian, and Vietnamese communities will join the Laos community and witness this memorable event and to make it a success.

Before leaving I would like to speak loudly: “DOWN WITH THE COMMUNISM!” and I would like all of you to repeat after me: “DOWN! DOWN! DOWN!”

Down with the Communism! Down! Down! Down!
Down with the Communism! Down! Down! Down!
Down with the Communism! Down! Down! Down!

Thank you very much.

鋼琴獨奏會 慶祝五月亞太節
美國首都慶祝法輪大法日 各族裔感恩師父
台美生技協會舉辦DC meetup活動