職場英語 :體驗篇—應聘金融工作



1) Tell me about yourself and your past experience.

2) For the past two years, I have been working in an investment banking.

3) My background and experience include working on a variety of projects and jobs in the financial industry.

4) I抳e had to adjust my style to the new environment several times.

5) What was the most significant project you’ve worked on?

6) It was a challenge for a person with a finance background.

7) I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary.

8) Does the company have a five-year plan?

(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)
Dialogue 1
I: Let抯 start the interview with some questions. Tell me about yourself and your past experience.
A: I have 10 years financial industry experience, working for several companies. For the past two years, I have been working in an investment banking. In addition to my analytical mindset, I have a background of solid accounting principles. I am a team player and have great communication and interpersonal skills. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments.
I: What finance experience have you had that qualifies you for this position?
A: My background and experience include working on a variety of projects and jobs in the financial industry. Most of my experience has been behind the scenes, doing the calculations. I want to work with clients and continue to grow and be challenged.
I: Why did you leave your last position?
A: I not finding the work as challenging as I used to. I want to find a job that is stimulating, where I can grow.
I: What are your strengths and weaknesses?
A: One of my strengths is my ability to be flexible. I抳e seen companies go through many changes in structure and management philosophy. I抳e had to adjust my style to the new environment several times. As far as weaknesses, I really enjoy my work, and sometimes I put in too much time. But by being aware of my tendency to overwork, I have learned to pace myself more and work less overtime.
I: How would your boss describe you and your work style?
A: She抎 say I have a lot of initiative, I see the big picture and I do what has to be done. Second, I always meet deadlines. If I say I going to do something, I do it. Lastly, I have the ability to focus on what I working on I am not easily distracted.
I: What are your salary expectations?
A: I sure whatever you offer will be a fair amount for a person with my qualifications. Salary is not the most important factor to me. I looking for opportunity.
I: Do you have any questions?
A: Yes, I do. What do you see as the future trends for the industry?
I: 我們開始面試吧。說說你自己和過去的一些經驗吧。
A: 我有十年的金融行業工作經驗,為幾家公司工作過。過去的兩年,我一直在一家投資銀行工作。我不僅具有分析能力而且還有紮實的會計原理知識。我具有團隊精神,善於和人交流,懂得人際關係的技巧。我善於應付挑戰,也能在壓力大的環境下工作很出色。
I: 你認為你具有什麼樣的金融經驗使你能勝任這個職位?
A: 我的背景和經驗包括我在金融業參與過各類項目、做過不同的工作。我的大部分經驗都是幕後做一些計算方面的工作。我想和客戶打交道,不斷完善自己,接受各種挑戰。
I: 你為什麼要離開以前的工作呢?
A: 我發現這工作不像我原來認為的那麼具有挑戰性,我想找一份有刺激性的工作,這樣可以進步。
I: 你的優點和缺點是什麼?
A: 我的一個優點就是具有靈活性,我目睹了公司在結構和管理思想上的眾多變化,而且好多次我必須調整我的方式以適應新環境。就缺點而言,我非常喜歡工作,有時投入了太多的時間,但我已意識到這一點,學會了調節自己,減少加班。
I: 你的老闆會如何評價你和你的工作方式呢?
A: 她會說我很積極、顧全大局,會做完所有需要做的事情。其次,我總能在期限前完成任務。如果我說做某一件事,我就一定會做。最後一點,我能集中精力做事情——不會輕易受幹擾。
I: 你希望的薪水是多少?
A: 我相信你會給我提供一個合理的數目。對我來說,薪水不是最重要的,我尋找的是機會。
I: 你有問題要問嗎?
A: 有,你如何看待將來這個行業的發展趨勢?

Dialogue 2
I: Tell me something about yourself and your past.
A: I was born and grew up in HeBei Province. I moved to Beijing, where I started taking courses for my MBA. When I completed my degree, I was offered an opportunity working for a financial services company. I抳e worked there for eight years.
I: What was the most significant project you抳e worked on?
A: I was assigned a project to design a 360-degree performance system. It was a challenge for a person with a finance background. I met with the technical people and discussed the possibilities and obstacles. Based on that information, I selected a team and created a spreadsheet to manage the project. We got the project done on schedule. I was rewarded for outstanding results and was able to share the honors with the team.
I: What finance experience makes you qualified for this position?
A: For the past eight years, I have been working in the banking industry. I have a solid understanding of accounting concepts, an analytical mind and a strong attention to detail. I抳e had a lot of customer service training and experience, and I have been told that I excel in this area.
I: How would your coworkers evaluate you ?
A: They抎 say I was a hardworker and a real team player.
I: What are your salary expectations?
A: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. I抎 like to postpone that decision until later.

I: 說說你自己的情況和你的過去吧。
A: 我出生於河北省並在那裏長大,後來搬到了北京,在這裏我學習了MBA課程。完成學位後,我有機會去了一家金融服務公司工作。我在那裏工作了八年。
I: 你參與的最重大的一個項目是什麼?
A: 我被分派去設計一個360度業績系統。這對一個只有金融背景的人來說是一個挑戰。我和技術人員一起討論了這個系統的可行性及可能遇到的困難。根據掌握的資訊,我挑選了一個隊伍,建立了一個表格程式以管理這個專案。我們按期完成了這個項目。由於結果很出色,我受到了獎勵,而且也能和團隊一起分享這些榮譽。
I: 你具有什麼樣的金融經驗使你能勝任這份工作?
A: 在過去的八年中,我一直在銀行業工作。我對賬目的各種概念非常瞭解、具有分析頭腦而且對各種細節都很注意。我參加過很多客戶服務培訓,也有很多這方面的經驗,別人也曾說我在這個領域很出色。
I: 你的同事會怎樣評價你?
A: 他們會說我是一個工作刻苦的人,是一個很好的合作者。
I: 你希望得到多少薪水?
A: 在討論薪水前,我希望能多瞭解工作方面的事。我想遲些再作決定。

investment 投資 analytic 分析的
mindset 傾向,習慣 interpersonal 人與人之間的
stimulating 刺激的 tendency 趨勢
significant 有意義的,重大的 performance 業績,性能
obstacle 阻礙,困難 spreadsheet 空白表格程式
on schedule 按時 excel in 在吜煜
postpone 推遲 budget 預算

主要的國際金融組織有:國際貨幣基金組織International Monetary Fund(IMF)和世界銀行World Bank。
1) For the past two years, I have been working in
an investment banking.
the Agriculture Bank of China
the China Construction Bank
the Industrial and Commercial Bank

過去兩年中我一直在 一家投資銀行 工作。

2) I抳e had to adjust my style to the new environment several times. acclimatize


3) How would your boss describe you and your work style?
remark on



1) I have eight years of experience working in the IT industry.

2) I have been working as a project manager for a dotcom.

3) I抳e been searching for a while now to find a company that had a business model and corporate philosophy like yours.

4) I am excited and interested in the idea of developing business relationships through e- commerce.

5) Who are your financial backers?

6) Who are the key competitors?

7) Does the company have a plan for the IPO?

(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)
Dialogue 1
I: Tell me something about yourself and your past experience.
A: I have eight years of experience working in the IT industry. For the past two years, I have been working as a project manager for a dotcom. I am also PMI certified. I looking for a team environment where I can join the excitement of building a company.
I: What experience have you had that qualifies you for this position?
A: I have worked on a variety of projects and jobs in the high tech industry. I wanted to have the experience of working for a dotcom and have learned something about being in on the ground floor of a business.
I: What attracted you to this job?
A: I抳e been searching for a while now to find a company that had a business model and corporate philosophy like yours. I am interested in working for a company that provides products and services to the K-12 education market. My background is in this field, and my strength is in building relationships and solving problems. I am excited and interested in the idea of developing business relationships through e-commerce.
I: What qualities do you think are important to this position?
A: To have a combination of technical and business knowledge and to be very results-oriented. My past record shows that I have those qualities and more. Because of my business acumen and technical know-how, the teams I have managed accomplished outstanding results, including booking more than $50 million in online revenue.
I: When have you been most motivated?
A: When I have a specific project to complete, I like to know the specifics of a project from beginning to end. I like definite deadlines and I like to meet those deadlines. I expect some deviation from the original plan, but I try to stay focused and not let myself drift too far. I have great attention to detail and like to take my time and do it right the first time.
I: Why did you leave your last position?
A: I抳e set some goals for myself and my career, and unfortunately I at a standstill in my current situation. I have begun to explore options available before I spend too much time in a job where I can抰 advance. My goal is to continue to take on new responsibilities and be a key contributor to the success of an online venture.
I: What are your salary expectations?
A: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. I抎 like to postpone that discussion until later.
I: Do you have any questions?
A: Yes, I do. Who are your financial backers? Who are the key competitors? Does the company have a plan for the IPO? What would you say is the best thing about your product or service?
I: 說說你自己和過去的經歷吧。
A: 我在資訊技術行業已經有八年的工作經驗了。在過去兩年中,我一直在一家網路公司當專案經理,而且得到了專案管理協會的認證。我想找一個有團隊精神的環境,共同體會創建公司的興奮。
I: 你有什麼樣的經驗能使你勝任這個職位?
A: 我在高科技產業完成過很多專案,做過不同的工作。我想在網路公司工作,並學會了一些商業上的基礎知識。
I: 這份工作有什麼吸引你的地方呢?
A: 我一直在尋找一個具有貴公司這樣商業模式和公司理念的公司。我很興趣為K-12教育市場提供產品和服務的公司工作。我有這方面的經驗,我的優勢就是能夠建好人際關係並能解決問題。我對通過電子商務發展商業關係的觀念很感興趣。
I: 你認為這個職位最重要的品質是什麼?
A: 同時具備技術和商業知識,而注重結果。我過去的履歷表明我具備這些品質而且還有更多的品質。由於我在商業上很敏銳以及懂得技術,我負責的團隊取得了顯著的成績,包括預訂的線上收入超過五千多萬美元。
I: 你什麼時候最有動力?
A: 當我有一個特定項目要完成時,我想知道項目從頭到尾的具體細節。我喜歡有個最後期限,同時喜歡在最後期限前完成任務。我知道會和原來的計畫有所偏離,但我會把握好方向不讓自己偏離太遠。我很注意細節,喜歡多花點心思把事情一次性做好。
I: 你為什麼離開了以前的工作?
A: 我為自己和我的事業設定了一些目標,但不幸的是,目前情況下我一直處於停頓狀態。我開始尋求各種可能的選擇,不想在一個不能使我得到發展的工作上花費太多的時間。我的目標是繼續接受新任務,成為線上企業成功的靈魂人物。
I: 你期望的薪水是多少?
A: 在討論薪水前,我需要更多瞭解工作方面的事情。我願意以後再討論這個問題。
I: 你有什麼問題嗎?
A: 是的,你們的金融資助者有哪些?你們的主要競爭對手是誰?貴公司對新股發行有何計畫?貴公司的產品或服務有何最大的優點?

project 專案 philosophy 哲學體系,哲理
combination 結合 acumen 敏銳
outstanding 突出的,顯著的 revenue 收入,收益
motivated 有動機的,有積極性的 deadline 最後期限
deviation 偏離,誤差 drift 漂流
standstill 停頓,停滯不前 contributor 貢獻者
venture 企業 backer 支持者,贊助者

PMI:Project Management Institute 項目管理學會。凡是從事專案管理工作或者對專案管理有興趣的人都可以申請加入。
PMP:Project Management Professional 專案管理專業人士
PMBOK:Project Management Body of Knowledge專案管理知識體系
MPM:Master of Project Management專案管理碩士學位
IPO:Initial Public Offering 新股發行
K-12 education:K指kindergarten,K-12教育是指從幼稚園到高中為止的教育體系。
1) I have been working as a project manager for a dotcom.
market analyst
senior consultant
market researcher
我一直在一家網路公司作 專案經理。

2) I at a standstill in my current situation. 我目前處於 停滯狀態。
deadlock 僵局
halt 停止狀態

3) The teams I have managed accomplished outstanding results.
were high up in the pictures
came to the top

4) I have great attention to detail. 我特別注意細節問題。

5) Why did you leave your last position?
did you come here for a job
did you send in your papers(提出辭呈)


文章來源 : 旺旺英語 www.wwenglish.com

職場英語 :面試篇—面試結束
職場英語 :面試篇—表示謝意
職場英語 :面試篇—詢問結果
職場英語 :面試篇—謝絕職務