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【大紀元8月1日訊】2008年7月31日,堪薩斯州第30區州眾議員容.沃勒(Ron Worley)在回復本區居民的郵件中表示,他已經向參議員布朗拜克(Brownback)的堪薩斯辦公室轉達了對於新唐人信號被封的關注。信中,他說:「雖然,我不能親自到參議員布朗拜克的華盛頓辦公室去陳述,然而我相信,堪薩斯辦公室將會轉達我的郵件給參議員本人。」

「我瞭解到布朗拜克參議員過去曾經幫助解決過這一問題,並且幫助中國的宗教信 仰自由,希望這次他能再伸援手。」沃勒先生接著寫到:「再有幾天,2008年奧林匹克運動會就要在北京召開了,依我看, 這是一個非常好的向中國政府施壓,促其取消禁令的時機。我認為,國際奧委會在授予中國現政府 舉辦2008 年或任何其它年奧運會的權利是一個嚴重錯誤。回顧1936柏林舉辦的奧運會,並沒有改變當時的德國政府,並且很快就爆發了第二次世界大戰。再看1980 年在蘇聯舉辦的奧運會,美國及許多其他民主國家都沒有參加,而幾年之後蘇聯就解體了。這些事件中到底有什麼連繫,我們不得而之。但是,正如布朗拜克參議員和許多其他政府官員所請求的,我真心希望布什總統遠離中國的奧運會。請訪問布朗拜克參議員的互聯網網站,那裏有有關北京奧運會期間中國的互聯網網絡監控問題以及參議員對此的評論。」


Ms. Wang,

As you can see by this message I have sent you comments to Senator Brownback’s office in Overland Park. I am not able to sent them directly to the Senator at the Washington office however I trust that the O.P. office will get your concerns to the Senator.

I note in your message that the Senator has helped on this issus of lack of freedom of religion in China in the past and may be able to again.

From my point of view with the 2008 Olympics opening in Beijing in a few days now is the right time to put pressure on the government of China to remove these new restrictions.

I would also note that I think the IOOC made a major mistake in awarding the 2008 or any year Olympics to China given the current goverment. Looking back the 1936 games were given to Berlin and that did not change the course of the German government and they still started WWII in Europe. On the other side of the coin Russia held the 1980 games, the United States and many other free world counties did not attend. A very few years later the USSR no longer existed. Is there a connection, maybe. We will never know.

I do hope that President Bush stays away from the Olympics in China as Senator Brownback and many others have requested. You might want to also look at his web page and note the comments about internet spying in China during the upcoming Olympics.

Best wishes,

Ron Worley, State Representativ e, 30th District, Lenexa, Kansas(http://www.dajiyuan.com)

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