


图为美国参议员Orrin Hatch(左)与参议员Patrick Leahy(右)2002年2月1日在纽约世界经济论坛谈论上。(法新社)
据美联社3月26日华盛顿DC报导:参议院司法委员会主席犹他州共和党参议员奥润-海什(Orrin Hatch)说:“美国不是容忍邪恶的国家,我们绝不会这么做。”这项法案将使那些犯有严重侵犯宗教自由罪行的外国官员不能进入美国并会面临驱逐。参议员们说,这种人也不能获得美国国籍。


一些参议员投票反对放逐萨达姆-候赛因的努力。司法委员会民主党领袖佛蒙特州参议员派克-李(Patrick Leahy)说:“我们不能一边同伊拉克作战,而另一边却让世界上那些人权恶棍安然进入我们的国家。”

佛罗里达州共和党议员马克-佛利(Mark Foley)和纽约民主党议员加里-艾克曼(Gary Ackerman)在众议院提出了相同的法案。佛利说:“我们不能允许其它国家的酷刑犯和杀人犯在美国逍遥法外。”



美国国会参议员Orrin Hatch官方网站上关于此提案的声明

March 26th, 2003 Contact: Margarita Tapia, 202.224.5225


To Keep Torturers, Murders, and Obscene Violators of Religious Freedom Out; Denaturalize and Deport Violators Already in the United States

Washington – Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee today joined Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), ranking Democrat member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Representatives Mark Foley (R-FL) and Gary Ackerman (D-NY) in introducing the Anti-Atrocity Alien Deportation Act of 2003.

Senator Hatch’s statement follows:

“I am very pleased to join my colleagues Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) and Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY) to introduce this important piece of legislation today. The Anti-Atrocity Alien Deportation Act, on which many of us have worked for several Congresses, demonstrates our firm commitment to prevent the entry of those who commit torture, murder, or obscene violations of religious freedom, and to denaturalize and deport those who are already here.

“We have a long-standing tradition of offering refuge to many victims of torturous acts abroad. Hundreds of thousands of these victims live in the United States today. Yet it is estimated that we also have over a thousand torturers living in our country, some side-by-side with the very victims of their gross offenses. This cannot be tolerated. As evidenced by our continuing war on terrorism and our more recent efforts to free the Iraqi people from the oppressive Hussein regime, we are not a nation that tolerates evil, and cannot do so in this instance. This bill, then, is not just a good idea, but a crucial step in ensuring that the ideals we are fighting for overseas are consistent with our policies at home. This legislation will render those who participate in acts of torture, as well as those foreign government officials who engage in particularly severe violations of religious freedom, at any time, inadmissible and deportable. Furthermore, the Anti-Atrocities legislation will deny aliens who have committed these offenses from becoming United States citizens, reserving that honor for those who are deserving of it.

“Under this critical legislation, human rights abusers will no longer be able to seek or maintain refuge in our country. Those who seek admission through legal channels will be denied entry and those who enter the country surreptitiously will be unable to attain lawful immigration status once here. This is how it should be. We must send a message to murderers and torturers who would seek to take advantage of our laws that their efforts will not succeed. To do that, we need this bill. I am proud to be a cosponsor of this legislation and urge the support of my colleagues in the House and the Senate.”


SENATOR Patrick Leahy

Representative Mark Foley

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