

【大紀元1月23日訊】【大紀元1月23日訊】馬利蘭州蒙郡學院 (Montgomery College, Rockville/Germantown, Maryland) 計劃於春季班,增開下列之一,有關生活情趣的成人、無學分課程。整個課程約十堂課左右。學費約一百美元 (但六十歲以上馬利蘭州居民則可能全免學費) 及約四十五美元材料費。如果你考慮註冊參加的話,請依你興趣的次序,圈選 1、2、3、4,或建議另一課程,以為開課選擇的參考,並於二月八日 (星期日) 前電 (301)217-9384 (黃先生), 傳真 (301)438-1810,或 E-Mail: cshuang2@yahoo.com; or dianalin@comcast.net. 也請留下電話、傳真或E-Mail,好通知調查結果及所開課程詳細。敬祝新春愉快。多謝了!

Montgomery College Lifelong Learning Institute Class Survey

Montgomery College’s Lifelong Learning Institute plans to open one or more noncredit adult education classes in the following areas of interest for spring 2004 and would like your input as to what types of classes you favor. Location of the class(es) would depend on the complexity of the class contents and classroom availability at one of the Montgomery College campuses. Combined with lectures, there will be some degree of hands-on experience and/or demonstrations by teacher(s) provided with real foods or materials depending on logistics and material availability.

Please fill out the following survey and fax to (301)438-1810 or call Dr. Huang at (301)217-9384; or e-mail to cshuang2@yahoo.com; or dianalin@comcast.net by February 8, 2004. When you call, please leave your phone numbers or email address, so we can keep you posted of the survey results and when the classes are scheduled and ready for registration. The duration and costs of the newly planned class(es) will be similar to other adult education classes that Montgomery College had been offering. If you are a Maryland resident and are 60 years of age or older, you may be able to take the class(es) tuition-free (except the material costs, depending on the class, it is usually about $45). Hurry and make a resolution to take advantage of this great opportunity and plan to learn something new and exciting in year 2004!


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