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China faces widespread water shortages in cities and depleted water ways

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CHAN: Many cities throughout China are presently facing a water crisis; 400 out of about 600 Chinese cities are suffering from water shortages.
【講解】1. throughout:遍及 2. presently:目前地 3. out of=from 4. suffer:遭逢 5. shortage:短缺

全句譯: 全中國許多都市目前正面臨一項用水危機;大約600座中國都市中有400個都市正遭逢缺水之苦。

In Beijing, Tianjin and 100 other large cities the crisis is particularly acute.
【講解】acute: 嚴重的、遽烈的、急性的


The problem stems from a combination of waste and high consumption.
【講解】1. stem from:起源於,由…而造成的 2. combination: 結合 3.
consumption: 消耗

全句譯: 問題來自於廢料與高消耗二項的結合。

Due to leaks in the system and inefficient water use, Beijing’s per capita water consumption is four times higher than the world average.
【講解】1. due to:由於 2. leak:洩露 3. inefficient:無效的 4. per capita:每人 5. average:平均

全句譯: 為水管系統的滲漏與缺乏效率的水資源使用,北京每人耗水量是世界平均值的四倍。

The crisis has been steadily worsening in the past 25 years as industrialization and urbanization have surged, largely without any regard to the environmental consequences.
【講解】1. steadily:穩定地 2. worsen:惡化 3. industrialization:工業化 4. urbanization: 都市化 5. surge:上揚、澎湃 6. regard: 關心、顧慮 7. consequence: 結果

全句譯: 隨著工業化與都市化的潮流,這項危機在過去25年中,已經持續惡化,很大一部份是由於不顧環境的結果。

• he crisis has been steadily worsening 主要子句
– n the past 25 years 介係詞片語
• s industrialization and urbanization have surged, 副詞子句
– rgely without any regard to the environmental consequences. 介係詞片語

But China’s water use has caught up with it; in some cities, 90 percent of the water resources are polluted.
【講解】1. catch up with: 趕上、對…產生預期的壞影響(或惡果) 2. resource: 資源 3. pollute: 污染

全句譯: 但是中國的用水已經受到很壞的影響;在一些都市中,90%的水資源都受到了污染。

The Water Resources Department shows that in Qinghai, 50 percent of lakes have already dried up or vanished.
【講解】1. dry up: 乾涸 2. vanish: 消失


Many rivers in the area have become nothing more than seasonal streams.
【講解】1. nothing more than: 僅僅,只是 2. seasonal streams: 季節性溪流


Depleted water resources also lead to unhealthy humans.
【講解】1. depleted:耗盡的 2. lead to:導致


The World Health Organization reported that eighty percent of diseases are caused by unclean drinking water, resulting in 250 million fatalities each year.
【講解】1. disease:疾病 2. result in:造成 3. fatality:死亡

全句譯: 世界衛生組織報導,80%的疾病是因為不潔的飲用水所引起的,每年造成2億5仟萬人的死亡。

• he World Health Organization reported 主要子句 S+V+O
– hat eighty percent of diseases are caused 名詞子句
• y unclean drinking water, 介係詞片語
• esulting in 250 million fatalities 分詞片語
• ach year. 時間副詞


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