



历经两年持续的联系与作业﹐2006年7月29日上午11点﹐大华府地区四大社团﹕老挝(寮国)民主社团﹐自由高棉社团﹐自由中国社团﹐以及华盛顿特区、马州和维州越南社团﹐在维吉尼亚州的Papaya 餐厅召开了第一次(筹备)会议。此次会议的目的是想要为大华府地区各种族社团之间寻找出一个共同合作与相互支持的方法。

– 老挝(寮国)民主社团代表: Mr. Bounthanh Ratthigna
– 自由高棉社团代表: Mr. Thach Yen
– 自由中国社团代表: Dr. Sen Nieh
– 华盛顿特区、马州和维州越南社团代表: Mr. Tan Van Nguyen

1. 大华府地区四个种族社团成立大联盟﹐名称定为﹕大华府地区种族社团民主大联盟 (简称ADEC)

2. 本联盟初始由四个参与种族社团组成﹐欢迎大华府地区其他种族社团的加入。本联盟将主动邀请缅甸﹐古巴﹐新疆等种族社团的加入。

3. 为帮助各种族社团沟通与联系容易﹐本联盟选出一位协调人﹐任期一年。期满后由大联盟其他会员社团推选轮流担任。第一年的协调人由全体参加会议代表选出的Tan Van Nguyen 先生担任﹐任期是2006到 2007年。他是现任的华盛顿特区、马州和维州越南社团的主席。

4. 本联盟决定每三个月的第一个礼拜六召开例行正式会议。第一次正式会议将于2006年10月7日召开﹐由自由中国社团主办。遇有重大﹑紧急事件发生﹐协调人得依情况召开临时会议以便及时配合解决问题。

5. 本联盟第一次正式活动将于2006年12月2日在老挝驻美国华盛顿DC大使馆前举行示威活动。 此次示威活动是配合老挝民主社团而举办。老挝侨民将是此次活动的主要人员﹐其他社团侨民将提供适当的支持与协助。

6. 一份宣布大华府地区种族社团民主大联盟在2006年7月29日会议成功的正式公报将提供给各大报纸发表。


协调人 Tan Nguyen


Subject: Foundation of Alliance for Democracy of Ethnic Communities in Washington D.C. and Metropolitan Areas

After two years making contacts and working progressively, a meeting was setting in Saturday July 29th 2006, at 11AM, Papaya Restaurant Virginia between four communities: Community of Laos Democratic, Community of Free Cambodia, Community of Free China and Community of Vietnamese in Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia.

The purpose of this meeting is to find a common method to corporate and support together in the future between the ethnic communities in Washington D.C. and Metropolitan areas.

Presenting at this meeting there are four representatives of four communities:
– Community of Laos Democratic: Mr. Bounthanh Ratthigna
– Community of Free Cambodia: Mr. Thach Yen
– Community of Free China: Dr. Sen Nieh
– Community of Vietnamese in WDC, MD&VA: Mr. Tan Van Nguyen

These representatives have agreed to:

1/ Establish an Alliance between the ethnic communities in Washington D.C. and Metropolitan areas named: ALLIANCE FOR DEMOCRACY OF ETHNIC COMMUNITIES IN WASHINGTON D.C. (ADEC)

2/ Start the alliance with four communities but any ethnic community is welcome including BURMA, CUBA and TIBET that will be invited to participate in the future.

3/ Facilitate the communication and organization, a coordinator of the alliance is elected for one year and will replace by others members of the Alliance following their turn. In the first year all representatives was chosen MR Tan Van Nguyen, Chairman of Vietnamese Community of WDC, MD&VA to be the coordinator in the term of 2006-2007.

4/ The members of the Alliance decide to have an official meeting for each trimester at the first Saturday of the month. The first meeting will be in October 7th 2006 and this time the Community of Free China will be the organizer. In case of emergency, the coordinator could set up unusual meetings to match the situation and solve the problem on time.

5/ The first official activity that the Alliance would like to do is to prepare a fantastic demonstration for the Community of Laos Democratic in front of Laos Embassy in Washington D.C. on December 2nd 2006. In this event Laos people are the main resource power and the others communities will support and assist appropriately.

6/ An official communiqué of the Alliance for Democracy of the Ethnic Communities in Washington D.C. will be sent to Press and News papers to inform the success of the meeting in July 29th2006.

Best Regards,

Tan Nguyen, Coordinator

Virginia, August 1st 2006


澳洲越南社区举行游行 纪念越战结束30周年