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鳥囀 (彩墨)

畫兩隻斑鳩。這種斑鳩在鄉下常見,很怕人,一看到人影,「噗」一聲就飛遠了。斑鳩的叫聲很淒婉,是「咕咕咕…咕」,如同音樂簡譜中的 4/4∣15 3 30 0∣,隔了幾秒,又再∣15 3 30 0∣一番,聽起來遙遠而迷離,矇矓而淒清,說不出的味兒。



Birds Chirping/ink and color painting

This is a painting of two turtle doves. This kind of turtle doves are commonly seen in the countryside. They are afraid of people and often take flight instantly when they detect people coming. The gu-gu-gu sound of turtle doves is especially mournful and has a musical sound that can be represented as 4/4∣15 3 30 0∣, followed by 4/4∣15 3 30 0∣ after a few seconds. Their sad sound is dreamy and distant, and evokes indescribable feelings.

I once found their nest after climbing up to the top of a tree. The nest was carelessly constructed with several overlapped small branches that formed into a shallow dish. There were several white eggs which were as big as pigeon eggs.

The biggest feature of turtle doves is the black stripe behind their neck. The black strip is decorated with bead-like white dots, which are very beautiful. The tip of their tail feathers is white, and the feathers open up like a fan when they are in flight. The coloring of turtle doves is very vivid and stunning, and they are one of the most attractive wild birds in Taiwan.@



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