

人气 2

【大纪元3月23日讯】应广大中国人民的强烈要求,正在全球接力传递的“人权圣火”3月23日开始传入中国大陆,并于这一天直至8月间在全中国巡回传递。数千万遭受中共欺压迫害、不满腐败暴政和追求自由公正人权的中国人将参与传递。在这一天,香港举行了人权圣火进入中国大陆誓师大会及游行,以下是瑞典国会议员、欧洲理事会议院大会政治事务委员会主席(Chairperson of Political Affairs Committee, Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe)约让.林德布拉德(Göran Lindblad)的录音发言:







I would like to send this greeting to the organizers and the people that are coming with the torch to Hong Kong. It is very important that we all stand up against the communist regime in China. This would be a very important signal with the rally and the torch arriving to the communist regime, and they do not really like that all the population see what is going on in China. And as for me, the newly elected chairman of the Political Affairs Committee in the Council of Europe, it is very important that all people stand up for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. So I have advocated in the radio and the press that all spectators and all athletes should wear a button when they go to the Olympics which declares human rights and democracy.
Something else, it could be in Chinese and English written in yellow colours declaring human rights and democracy.

This has been a little trouble for the International Olympic Committee. In Britain for example, the local Olympic Committee didn’t want the athletes to talk to the press, but they had to reverse that decision because that’s against British law. We would have a special hearing in my committee in mid April in the Council of Europe on the situation in China in general but also about the freedom of expression when it comes to the Olympics, and the importance to use this possibility to put pressure on the regime.

For me it’s only an issue of time until the communist regime would fall. I think it can go pretty fast. I have a bet since I was in Hong Kong two and half a year ago that they would fall within 5 years, so if they don’t fall within two and a half years from now, I would not suffice to know why. But we all have to fight to make it happen, and the brave people, especially the opposition in China, and the opposition today of the Falun Gong.

And I think the communist party in China does the same mistake that the communist party in Moscow once did. They didn’t realize that they have an internal opposition, and there are other signs people are missing or there are lot of defections from diplomats. There are also the situation of opposition inside China and not the least the rising in Tibet presently, but a lot of local risings. The Chinese are claiming this is organized by Dalai Lama, but it is nonsense of course. It’s the people in Tibet that want their freedom, and want their rights to live as human beings. This would also be right of people within Mainland China. So it is very important work done with this rally and the torch coming to Hong Kong to make the whole world realize that the debate is coming pretty strong now. We’ve got a lot of press in Strasbourg and the rest of Europe just last week when we issued the news about the hearing that we would have a plenary session on China, so I hope we can keep the debate going. And I wish you all of luck with what you are doing.)(http://www.dajiyuan.com)
