
Jessie Chen, David Lee
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“Code of Conduct” Introduced for Kyiv Residents


1. code: n. 規範
2. conduct :n. 行為
3. introduce: v. 推行
4. entitle: v. 給…稱號
5. embroider: v. 繡花
6. obligatory : adj. 義務的、強制性的
7. pamphlet: n. 小冊子
8. appear: v. 出版、發表
9. conflict: n. 衝突
10. vdistribute: v. 分發

A Kyiv resident should know the unofficial anthem of the capital, should visit museums and theatres, and should learn foreign languages. He or she does not leave graffiti on buildings, or damage parks or lawns, and at the birth of a child should plant a new tree.

All 46 rules are placed into this small booklet entitled “Code of Conduct for Kyiv Residents.” According to the authors, in the near future these simple rules will help residents of the capital improve life in the city.

[Igor Dobrutsky, Adviser to the Mayor of Kiev]:
“People from all cities of Ukraine came to Kyiv. Those who come and remain – put their roots here. And it is important to develop rules. Without them, one behaves as one wants.”
基輔市長顧問Igor Dobrutsk說:“從烏克蘭各城市來到基輔的人,那些來了且留下的 – 他們紮根在這裡。設立規則很重要,若沒有規則,每個人的行為會想要幹嘛就幹嘛。”

The Code is presented to the public by well-known people of Kyiv, but even they do not follow all the rules yet.

[Andrey Kurkov, Writer]: “Here it is written that every resident of Kyiv dresses in an embroidered traditional shirt on Independence Day. I do not have such an embroidered shirt. I will have to buy one.”
作家Andrey Kurkov說:“這兒有寫到,每位居民在基輔獨立日那天,都要穿著有繡花的傳統襯衫。我並沒有這樣的繡花襯衫,就必須買一件。”

Whether or not to follow the rules – everyone decides for himself, because the code is not obligatory. However, many confirm that they had used these rules before the pamphlet appeared.
是否要遵守這些規則 – 每個人自己決定,因為這些規範不是強制性的。然而,很多人證實,他們在小冊子出現前,就在使用這些規則了。

Kyiv resident does not paint on the walls of buildings.
“I never painted any.”

Kyiv resident respects foreigners.
“I respect them, I have not had any conflicts.”

Kyiv resident takes care of the city.
“Yes, I do.”

“Code of Conduct for Kyiv Residents” was created by the city’s department of internal policy, together with NGOs, and it will be continuously improved.

In the future these pamphlets will be distributed in schools and other educational institutions.

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