
Jessie Chen, David Lee
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Students Gain Discipline and Exercise–South Korea Boot Camp


1. discipline: n. 紀律
2. boot camp: n. 新兵訓練營
3. in shape: ph. 處於良好的健康狀況
4. sweltering: adj. 悶熱的
5. commando: n. 突擊隊
6. aim: v. 旨在
7. endurance: n. 耐久力
8. parachute: n. 降落傘
9. trench: n. 單壕
10. lose one’s temper: ph. 發脾氣

South Korean students hoping to get in shape and improve their discipline braved the sweltering summer heat on Wednesday… attending a boot camp run by a special commando group.

Instead of relaxing during the annual summer break, more than 200 students joined the marine-style boot camp in Buchon, west of Seoul.

The camp aims to test their physical and mental endurance through eight hours of daily activities such as dragging parachutes, running with rubber boats on their shoulders, and jumping from a 40 foot tower.

[Oh Young-Jae, 17-Year-Old Student]:
“Defensive falls were a very hard part of the training and trench battles were interesting. After this four-day training, I will be ready to march toward my aim with better preparedness.”
[Oh Young-Jae,17歲學生]:

In the afternoon the temperature began to heat up.

[Lee Seung-eun, 17-Year-Old Student]:
“It’s tough and sometimes I lose my temper, but I feel I get something out of it. It’s difficult to train, but I know I can get over my limitations with very good physical exercise.”
[Lee Seung-eun,17歲學生]:

The army has been running these boot camps since 2003, with approximately 17,000 participants.

[Lt. Col. Cho Jae-man, South Korean Army]:
“Through this camp run by our special commando group, our military, we like to show we are strong but kind and we like our participants to have a valuable opportunity to get confidence and self-restraint, spirit and patriotism.”
[Lt. Col. Cho Jae-man,韓國軍人]:

South Korean men must complete 24 months of military service after graduating from high school and before they turn 30.

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