
David Lee
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CCP Tightens Internet Control

1. shut down:v.phr. 關閉
2. forum:n. 論壇
3. plant:v. 種植、秘密布置
4. commentator:n. 評論員

Anchor: According to Internet users in China, the Chinese Communist Party is shutting down more and more websites, forums, and chat rooms. All this is in the effort to prevent the spread of news about riots, protests, and human rights abuses throughout China. Let’s hear what mainland Chinese Internet users say about it.

STORY: One Internet user says the CCP planted agents on the Internet to influence public opinion.

[Mr.Hu, Internet User]: “Chinese website operators say that there are fewer things allowed to be said. There are many official (CCP) commentators online.”

5. engage in:致力於
6. tilt:vt. 使偏斜
7. favor:n. 偏愛、偏坦
8. puzzled:adj. 困惑的、茫然的
9. hypocrisy:n. 偽善
10. upcoming:adj. 即將來到的
11. obscenity:n. 猥褻、淫穢

The CCP’s agents on the Internet are known as the “Wu Mao Party.” They actively engage in chat room discussions and web forums in efforts to tilt public opinion in the Party’s favor. Another Internet user is puzzled by the CCP’s hypocrisy.

[Mr. Li, Internet User]:
“Before the upcoming Olympic Games, the CCP shut down websites and forums. They say it is to control obscenity on the Internet, but they are shutting down websites and chat groups related to human rights.”



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