
A tank crashes a car as people take streets in Ankara, Turkey during a protest agaist military coup on July 16, 2016.
42 dead in Ankara coup attempt clashes: TV citing prosecutor. Turkish military forces on July 16 opened fire on crowds gathered in Istanbul following a coup attempt, causing casualties, an AFP photographer said. The soldiers opened fire on grounds around the first bridge across the Bosphorus dividing Europe and Asia, said the photographer, who saw wounded people being taken to ambulances.
 / AFP / ADEM ALTAN        (Photo credit should read ADEM ALTAN/AFP/Getty Images)
土耳其政變 民眾肉身擋戰車照片曝光
土耳其軍方宣稱他們已掌權,但總統艾爾段誓言這場未遂政變會遭到鎮壓,大批群眾上街回應他的號召,違抗軍方宵禁令,甚至肉身擋戰車。 路透社報導,土耳其大城伊斯坦堡和首都安卡拉夜間發生槍戰和爆炸,陷入混亂,但今天凌晨出現政變逐漸瓦解的跡象。 ...

标签: 肉身擋戰車
