高大維﹕解體中共邪黨 清除中共毒瘤

人氣 3

【大紀元7月24日訊】(大紀元記者南希華盛頓DC報導) 2007年7月20日上午10:00, 來自世界各地的兩千多位民眾聚集在美國首都的華盛頓紀念碑北廣場,聲援二千四百萬中國民眾退出中共。來自紐約、波士頓的幾十位華人在集會現場宣誓退出中共, 另有二十幾位大陸民眾通過現場直播集會的希望之聲國際廣播電台宣佈退出中共。

(攝影:Mark Zou/大紀元)
(攝影:Mark Zou/大紀元)

(攝影:Mark Zou/大紀元)










Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, my fellow Chinese people, all the government officials, NGOs, and righteous guests who support the Chinese people’s efforts to abandon the Chinese Communist Party,

First of all, on behalf of the Global Quitting the CCP Service Center and other co-sponsors of the great rally here in Washington DC to celebrate the 2007 Global Quitting the CCP Month, please let me extend my thanks to all the friends present here today and all the friends who support us, also my congratulations to the fellow 24 million Chinese people who already quit the CCP and its affiliated groups, and my full respect to those volunteers in China and abroad who are spreading the Nine Commentaries and promoting the movement of Quitting the CCP.

Since the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the CCP by the Epoch Times in the end of 2004, a great movement has been launched and pushed forward both in China and worldwide, so as to spread the Nine Commentaries and to promote quitting from the CCP and its affiliated groups. In the meanwhile, the utmost evil Chinese Communism regime has been deprived of its mask weaved with lies, and degenerating rapidly. This is a fact that has been witnessed by the entire world.

Today I want to take this opportunity to tell the world, that the Chinese people, the people who are carrying 5000 years of glorious history and great moral standing, are making their way out of the terror and fear that was built by the CCP with blood-shedding violence. They are using the most peaceful, most rational and most efficient way to thoroughly abandon and disintegrate the CCP, namely by withdrawing from its organizations. At this moment, a even bigger group of Chinese people has been motivated and mobilized. Hundreds of millions of Chinese started to fight against the dictatorship and to protect their own civil rights. Instead of pleading for mercy from the evil regime, they have gained the courage to publicly withdraw from the evil party and resist its suppression. Recently, groups of people fighting from their civil rights in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces have demobilized the base-level CCP organizations and paralyzed its communication system. As a result, they successfully resisted the military suppression from the evil regime. This also proves that the whole Communist regime is encountering unprecedented challenges about their legitimacy of ruling, and is about to face its complete disintegration and collapse. This already became a widely accepted fact about the Chinese society.

Today, I also want to take this opportunity to transfer several important messages to the 24 million brave Chinese who already withdrew from the evil regime, and all of fellow Chinese people. Communism and its evil specters have been deserted and despited by people all around the world. CCP doesn’t equal China. CCP is actually the enemy of the Chinese people. CCP is doomed. All of these are well recognized by most of the governments and people around the globe. At present, only a small group of utmost evil people within the CCP regime are still insist on their tyranny over the people, on its lies and blood-shedding. They not only don’t regret for killing 80 million Chinese people during their ruling, but even harvest live human organs for profit, forcedly deported Taiwan people from Hong Kong, send their special agents overseas to promote hatred, and even export poisonous foods and other products to many countries. More and more western governments and people began to realize the real evil nature of the Communism regime. Many western leaders have openly criticized upon CCP’s tyranny upon its own people and its violation of basic human rights. Among them are President Bush from US, Prime Minister Harper from Canada, and Mr. Edwards, the vice president of European Parliament. Besides, more than 300 concerned experts from the international community have come together and form the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG). They have launched the campaign to pass on the Human Rights Torch in Australia, Asia, Europe and North America, calling upon the international community to pay attention to the crimes of the CCP to harvest human organs from living people for profits, and to come together to stop such killing of the evil regime before its total disintegration.

We also want to call upon the officials from within the Communism regime, including the high ranking ones, you are only given limited time and chances by the gods and the Chinese people. We hope that you could take the lead to abandon the CCP, help to disintegrate the evil party and become a hero of the history. Don’t continue to act as the killing tool of the CCP’s evil specter and become the sinner to the Chinese people. Think carefully and choose your path. Such chances will not be offered many times.

Thanks to the live broadcasting by the Sound of Hope, NTDTV, the Epoch Times, and Youmaker.com, we are able to break through the blockade of the evil party, so that we can combine the calls from Chinese people to abandon the CCP and all the righteous voices around the world to support the Chinese people and to condemn the CCP’s crimes. All the voices have formed a powerful and righteous energy field.

Let us take joint efforts, join this great movement to disintegrate the evil CCP, and welcome a bright future without the evil Communism specter!


鋼琴獨奏會 慶祝五月亞太節
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