
Wan-Chun Chang, David Lee
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A Triumph of Spirit: A Woman’s Plight to Expose Injustice in China


1. triumph : n.勝利
2. eliminate : vt.消滅
3. sentence : vt.判決
4. mediation : n.冥想
5. dignity : n.尊嚴
6. baton : n.警棒
7. squat : n.蹲下
8. torture : n.酷刑
9. electrocution: n.電刑
10. deprivation : n.剝奪
11. ironically : ad.諷刺地
12. unimaginable: a.難以想像的

A Beijing University graduate, mother and wife, Jennifer’s life in China was good. But when her chosen spiritual practice Falun Gong was banned by the Chinese regime in 1999, a wave of suffering began.
畢業於北京大學,為人妻子與母親,曾錚(Jennifer Zeng的中文名字)在中國的生活是相當美好的。但當她選擇學習於1999年被中國政權所禁止的法輪功精神修煉時,痛苦的浪潮就此展開。

[Jennifer Zeng, Chinese Refugee]:
“They had decided to eliminate Falun Gong, so that means to either eliminate us physically or mentally, or spiritually.”
中國難民曾錚說: “他們決定要消滅法輪功,那就意味著不是在肉體上消滅我們,就是在心理上或精神上消滅我們。”

In 2000, Jennifer was sentenced to 12 months of forced labor because she continued to practice Falun Gong—a tradition Chinese mediation practice.
2000年時,曾錚被判12個月的勞改,因為她持續修煉法輪功─ ─一種中國傳統的修煉方式。

[Jennifer Zeng, Chinese Refugee]:
“We lost totally the dignity of a human being.” She describes the Chinese labor camp as living hell.
曾錚說:“我們完全失去了人類該有的尊嚴。” 她形容中國的勞改營是人間煉獄。

[Jennifer Zeng, Chinese Refugee]:
“The first sound we heard as we arrived was the crack of the electric baton, and the first order we got was squat… the pressure was so huge, we either heard the screams of others being shocked, or we were scalded or tortured ourselves.”

She says the beatings, electrocutions and sleep deprivation were part of a normal day—and ironically, what kept her going.

[Jennifer Zeng, Chinese Refugee]:
“I think after some six months of experiencing and witnessing all this unimaginable inhuman treatment against all the Falun Gong practitioners in the labor camp, I suddenly developed a very strong desire to expose these crimes to the world.”

She did just that. In 2001 she was released and fled to Australia. She later wrote a book called “Witnessing History: one woman’s fight for freedom and Falun Gong.”


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