
David Lee
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Outraged, villagers surrounded the municipal government vehicles, threw rocks, and overturned dozens of police vehicles and utility cars.

【講解】1.outraged, 憤怒的,=angry = furious = irritated=enraged

2.這句有三個主要動詞,surround(包圍), threw(拋擲), overturn(推翻), 用and連接起來。

3.dozens of: 數十個。Tens of, scores of, 也都是數十個,一個dozen是12,一個score是20。所以dozens of大約是24-48,scores of大約是40-80。

4.utility: 公用的, utility facility: 公共設施。

Since 2001, the chemical industry district has developed more than ten enterprises in the area, and the majority is pollution-producing heavy industry.

【講解】1. district: 區域。通常記者用:area, zone, region, district這幾個字表示區域。 2. enterprise: 企業,entrepreneur: 企業家 3.majority: 多數,少數則是minority.

According to local villagers, crops have withered, streams have gone rancid, and leakage of poisonous industrial gases, have caused embryos of pregnant women to become abnormal.

【講解】1. wither: 枯萎 2. rancid: 腐臭的 3. leakage: 洩露 4. embryo: 胚胎 5. pregnant women: 孕婦


– According to local villagers,

• crops have withered, streams have gone rancid,

• and

• leakage of poisonous industrial gases, have caused embryos of pregnant women

– to become abnormal.

The villagers have appealed for help everywhere, but until now, no government department has helped them solve their problems.

【講解】1. appeal: 呼籲、懇求,vi, appeal to+ somebody + for something. 2. help 使役動詞之後接原形動詞。

Beginning March 23, a group of elderly villagers protested by setting up a bamboo awning to monitor and block a village industry road.

【講解】1.awning: 天篷、雨篷。Bamboo awning: 竹棚。
2. monitor: 監視。一般可用: supervise, oversee, monitor.



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