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《阳明春晓》是一首脍炙人口的笛子独奏曲。我有一个学生名叫何笠绵,今年读阳明高中美术班三年级。2012年我和吴英国老师举办书画联展时,请她演奏笛子助兴。她在一两百个观众面前吹奏“阳明春晓”(后来上You Tube)。

她那笛音之妙,宛若天女散花,飞天处处,美妙无比。尤其是乐曲在∣4/4 16 11 6165 63∣56 11 6165 3∣3 5 32 1235 2∣6165 3561 5∣6165 3532 1235 2321∣3532 1235 2321 6∣5555 6666 1166 2266∣3366 5566 6666 0∣612356 1─ ─∣765 6 ─ ─ ─∣达到高潮,奔放而洒脱,由泰山而登傲来,千回百折之后,突然转为慢扳∣4/4 3.5 3 2∣1─ ─ 6∣1.2 7 6∣5 ─ ─ ─∣6 56 1.3∣2 56 3 2∣1.2 72 63∣5 ─ ─ ─∣5.1 6 12∣4 ─ ─ 2∣5.1 4 3∣2 ─ ─ ─∣……那旋律之美,照我好友文忠兄说的:“恐怕只有天上有。”


Four Seasons Pictures I Spring/ink and color painting

“Yangming Spring Morning” is a very popular flute solo. I have a student named Ho Li-mien, who is currently in the third year of the arts program at Yangming High School. When, during the year before last, I held a joint exhibition of paintings and calligraphy with my fellow teacher Wu Ying-kuo, I asked her to play the flute to liven things up. She ended up playing “Yangming Spring Morning” in front of an audience of 200 (her performance was uploaded to YouTube).

Wu’s flute performance was as lovely as a heavenly maiden strewing flowers and soaring through the heavens. In particular, the graceful yet free climax of her piece occurred in the section∣4/4 16 11 6165 63∣56 11 6165 3∣3 5 32 1235 2∣6165 3561 5∣6165 3532 1235 2321∣3532 1235 2321 6∣5555 6666 1166 2266∣3366 5566 6666 0∣612356 1─ ─∣765 6 ─ ─ ─∣From this peak, the piece underwent countless changes, and then suddenly shifted to the slow∣4/4 3.5 3 2∣1─ ─ 6∣1.2 7 6∣5 ─ ─ ─∣6 56 1.3∣2 56 3 2∣1.2 72 63∣5 ─ ─ ─∣5.1 6 12∣4 ─ ─ 2∣5.1 4 3∣2 ─ ─ ─∣In the words of my good friend Wen-chung, “Music like this is heard only in heaven.”

My painting “Spring Morning Picture” has much in common with the musical piece “Yangming Spring Morning,” and the connection between them reveals the deep links between music and the arts. @



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