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The Swimming   Hsu ChiCheng

I go to the sea side with great pleasure in the hot summer.
Now, the seaside is bustling extremely. On the sea beach, there are someone chat within the parasol, there are someone collect the sea shells, there are someone play the fine sand, there are someone catch the ghost crab, there are someone play the chase game, there are someone play the tide; and the sea which goes over there, there are someone swimming, appear every kind of posture, and there are someone with lifesaving belt to fall and lift. It looks like care free and leisurely.
The swimming is a good sport. It’s not only swimming in summer, and suitable for every season, just summer is hot, the persons go to swim are many. It also doesn’t divide of the age and sex, it’s the sport suitable for all persons no matter of male, female, old or youth. A person enters the water, every part of his whole body will soak into the water, will all in sport, so the swimming is a sport of whole body. This is no the same of other sports which pay attention to only one part.
However, I do not because of knowing this tenet while I started to swim. In fact, most persons are the same, as childhood to start to swim, less person know its sport the tenets, especially the children grow up in the country side as me, who know these? The main principle is just unruly, just be mad about its fan of unruly. May think, every one likes to enter the water from he can climb, it’s obviously that adult say it’s not to play the water, but which child will not be mad about while he meet the water? He will play the water as usually even it will drown, no pay any attention to it, it’s no effort even prohibited by adult. Thus so, how can we say that the child play water, start to swim, can know the tenet of the sport? Know its tenet is the thing after they get some more of age, and hold some more rich of knowledge.
There were some ditches in the pasture behind my home, one of them which from south toward north, is ( ought to say to learn swimming) the earliest place I went to swim. This ditch is about 6 metres in length, no deep the water, it’s just reached neck the deepest, the other place doesn’t reach neck chiefly. At first I angled frog, angled fish, and then to play the water, try to swim, or do both of them. At that time, I am expert in dog-climbing (breaststroke). Of course, I often swim the type of teapot—gargle of drinking. Passes for a period of time, I moved to the place to Channeling The Buzai in the south of this village. There the water was flowing frequently, and was cleaner than other place, no dirty like now, and often near no flowing, not the same as the ditch of the pasture, even sometime to swim with the buffalo, I still swam while it’s dunged and urinated by the buffalo, the water is too turbid to endure. It was truly dirty. After I learned vertical- swim, I went to the well ( for watering)of the sugar factory. During the period of swam in the well, I learned the dive at the same time; and at that time I went to pi-Nei stream. Not only because of the water is clear, but also the scope is wide and deep too, it can do what you want to swim at that time, I learned know how to free style and back stroke, and besides, breaststroke, and also often to dive, even to catch fish and shrimp as well as swimming, probably the shrimp, crab, walking catfish etc. I often peel the shell and eat uncooked, very sweet.
Then, it’s the time I went to the period of my study in middle school, I knew more knowledge. At that time, every time of the summer, on the physical culture class, the teacher often led us to swim at the seaside. The physical culture teacher will survey the terrain first, insert the banner, student can’t surpass the line which connect the banner to swim in the deep area, and point some students to be the guider and lifesaver; but in fact, there always were some all forget what the rule, swam across out side the scope which is marked, swam to deep place, let the teacher and student be strained, think of it, truly break into a cold sweat for the physical teacher. Too run risk it is! There are many crabs in the bottom of the sea, we can tread and catch them, we have been caught them while we on the class of physical culture, and also over the class or in the Saturday afternoon when we went to swimming is catch the more.
The course of my swimming is thus on the road.
I swim incessantly from the ditch to the well to the stream to the shallow sea, then to the ocean; I swim incessantly from small to large, from the shallow to the deep, from near to farer’s. It just likes our life, grows from child to adult, from small place to large place, from scarce knowledge to widen knowledge, from jerky to skillful, from shallow to penetrate, a layer upon a layer, step by step, advance slowly.
But it met one thing, made my course of swim suffer a little frustration. It’s the summer vacation when I was a student of second grade of high school, my classmate who lived in Fangliao, invited me to swim on the sea beach in front of his home. For the safety, he kindly gave me a life belt. I have not been used it, no care of that the life belt will float on the water surface is full of air, but it’s obstruction surely is large, it’s well to swim slowly, but negative to swim hurry, I swam with the most of my force, I swam to the place about three hundred metres from the beach, my right foot suffered cramp, then I tried my best to return to the bank slowly, and rest for a few minute. From that time on, nearly every time I will foot cramp every time I go to swim, luckily I can take care of it, or may I will be drowned, to be the wave ghost? I can remember that there is one time I had a foot cramp in the beach of Fullon, Keelung, and also a time the same, gave me the deepest imprint. For this reason, I have restrained myself a bit of my swim habit.
The swimming is a very good sport, just a person enters the water, whole his body is in exercising, it’s the same, especially in the summer. May you think, in the hot summer, no where to shuttle the vapour, the gloomy hot can’t be born, immerse into the water, how cool and refreshing we can say, how comfortable it is. Its taste is difficult to tell. So every summer, just it’s the place suit for swim or play water in the summer, there glut full of person in the sea side, river side and stream bank.
However, the water can carry the ship but will over the ship too, the swimming often arouses danger, so we must take attention to the safety. It’s necessary to know the nature and situation of the water. There must many persons to go together, don’t only one alone, in order to take care each other. Don’t flaunt your superiority, hazard to the deep place, or swim for too long time or too far, make the power unable to hold you. It’s better to take a life belt. Before enter the water, you must do exercise first, make the blood be unblocked; and then enter the water slowly. Just in case your foot cramp, be deal with keep cool, never strained and be flurried, it’s worst to be strained and flurried.
In looking the scene of the sea side, especially the person who swam, gave me a recollection of the swimming. Surely, there are many benefit and taste. I then change the clothes and enter the water. Oh, how cool and comfortable it is! Wishing I will not be foot cramp, and will make the course of my swimming successively! @


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