悼念美国友人安迪‧爱默生(Andrew Emerson)先生

黄翔 秋潇雨兰
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黄翔 秋潇雨兰

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A Bilingual Edition of Poetry Out of
Communist China By HUANG XIANG

Translated by Andrew G. Emerson

About the translator: Andrew G. Emerson:

learned languages at the Hotchkiss School, and also discovered an affinity for poetry. Following graduation from Yale University (B.A., History), he served in the Navy and learned Chinese. Having graduated from Columbia University Law School, he worked for some years in law and on Wall Street. In 1998 he settled on the poetry of Huang Xiang as the most worthwhile subject of his interest and effort. And this translation is the result of his endeavors.

This facing-page edition makes translations of over 150 poems of contemporary Chinese poet/author Huang Xiang available to the Western world for the first time in a collection. Since he is subject to a long-term ban against publication of any of his writings in his native China, only a few of his poems have ever been read and translated in the West. A member of the proscribed classes by virtue of his birth, he was subjected to harassment, imprisonment and brutality from his childhood until his departure from China in 1997. His writings have already gained high and deserved respect in the small scholarly circle that is familiar with them in China and the West. The book has an extensive bibliography listing all books published by Huang Xiang outside China, plus many that refer to him or quote his works, as well as general works on Chinese poetry. The long biographical introduction will be of great value to scholars who wish to pursue the origins of Underground Literature in which Huang is a major figure, and the later Menglung (“misty, obscure”) poetry that followed it. The poems themselves are in clear recitable English. The book’s composition, with the original Chinese on the left and English on the right, matched line for line, offers an excellent pedagogical too, as well as a subject for study by critics, commentators, and students of language. The book also includes a section of personal photographs, and a foreword by Huang Xiang.

“….a comprehensive, thoughtfully prepared book that contains beautiful translations of original poetry and a detailed introduction to the poet’s life and times. The book adds to our understanding not only of the literary renaissance that emerged in the post-Mao era but also of the intellectual and cultural history of China. It will be read by the literary public as well as readers interested in contemporary China. In addition, the bilingual text makes it a welcome choice for college-level courses in Chinese language and literature.” – Michelle Yeh, Professor of Chinese University of California, Davis

“The poems…range from lyrical descriptions of landscape, to expressions of love, to philosophical meditations, to the explicitly political….Many of the poems translated here were written, moreover, in response to specific historical events – the Cultural Revolution; the deaths of Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong; the democracy movements of 1979, 1986, and 1989; and even the 9-11 attacks in New York City….Emerson’s book helps fill in the still –evolving picture of the underground literature scene during the Cultural Revolution….Emerson’s book is a labor of love. And readers should be grateful to him for telling us the story of Huang Xiang and for making his poetic cries of the heart available in English AND Chinese.” – Kirk A. Denton, The Ohio State University, Editor, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture

“Huang Xiang is one of China’s most courageous and romantic poets. The underground masterpieces he wrote during eh darkest days of Maoism have lit a fire in the belly of china’s poets and freedom fighters ever since. Even in exile, he remains indomitable, writing poetry and stirring his fellow countrymen to achieve their highest ideals of freedom. The poetry is beautiful as well as stirring. His visions of fully unleashed human and natural energy are powerful enough to unsettle your sleep.” – Jeffrey C. Kinkley, St. John’s University, New York

Bilingual Edition of Poetry Out of Communist China by Huang Xiang
ISBN: 0-7734-6504-9

The Edwin Mellen Press,
Order Fulfillment Dept., PO Box 450,
Lewiston, NY 14092-0450
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Website: www.mellenpress.com


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