
Yulin Wu, David Lee
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The United Nations Addresses Global Poverty



Tackle:v. 著手對付;處理
【字源】< tack-:touch 碰觸 > 去觸碰物品 → 去處理事情。

agenda: n. 議程
【字源】< ag-:act 行動 > 安排行動流程的列表 → 一覽表、議程。

millennium : n. 千禧年
【字源】< mille- = milli-:one million 一千 > + < -enn = -ann:year 年 >。

summit: n. 頂峰;高峰會
【字源】sum(n. 總數)→ 堆到最高時的數目 → 最高點 → 頂峰。

United Nations General Assembly : ph. 聯合國大會

implement : v. 執行;落實
【字源】< im- = in-:into 進入 > + < -ple:complete 完成 >:執行計畫,把事情完成。

World leaders gather at the United Nations Monday wheretackling global poverty is high on the agenda.

The leaders arrive amid heightened security, for the three-day Millennium Development Goals summit that will be followed by the annual eight-day United Nations General Assembly meeting.

The focus of the talks will be how to implement plans to cut in half the number of people living below the poverty line, by 2015.

[Ban Ki-Moon, U.N. Secretary General]:
“The clock is ticking.”

eradicate : v. 消弭;消除
【字源】< e- = ex-:out 排除 > + < radic-:radical 根本的 >:從根本徹底排除 → 連根拔除 → 根除。
【衍生】radish(n. 蘿蔔):蘿蔔為根莖類的植物。

achieve : v. 達到;完成
【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -chieve:chief 領袖>:去領導完成某事 → 達到。

universal primary education :ph. 普及初級教育

combat : v. 戰鬥;對抗
【字源】< com-:with 和…在一起 > + < -bat:beat 打;擊 >:打擊對方 → 對抗。

malariaV: n. 瘧疾
【字源】< mal-:bad 壞的;不好的 > + < -ar:air 空氣 > + < -ia:疾病字尾 >:本字源於義大利文mal’ aria,意即「壞空氣」。在科學家尚未發現瘧疾由瘧蚊傳播之前,古羅馬人一直以為這種使人忽冷忽熱的怪病,是由於沼澤裡的壞空氣所引致。

The eight goals in the Millennium Challenge include eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education and combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy responded to the call saying France will increase its contribution by 20 percent to help the UN achieve its goals.

finance : v. 供給資金、融資;為…籌措資金
【字源】< fin-:end 結束 > 獲得資金,即可終結債務。

resolve : v. 解決
【字源】< re-:again 一再 > + < -solv:loose 釋放;變鬆 >:遇到難題,無法一次解開,所以需要一再地去做(下決心才能解決問題)。

tax: v. 對…課稅
【字源】touch(v. 碰觸):一直碰觸、增加到你身上 → 成為你的重擔 → 課稅(稅是人民生活上的重擔)。

stabilize : v. 使…穩定
【字源】< st-:stand 站立 > → 站著不動 → 穩固。

obligation : n. 義務
【字源】< ob-:to > + < -lig:bind 綁 > + < -tion:名詞字尾 >:綁住你去做某事 → 內心所感受到的責任 → 義務。

within reach:ph. 伸手可及的,在此引申形容目標是可以達成的

[Nicolas Sarkozy, French President]:
“I shall express my belief that although all the developed countries are suffering from deficits they must find new sources to finance the struggle against poverty for education and to resolve the major health problems facing Africa. Innovative financing, taxing financial transactions, these are things we can take a decision on here. Why should we wait? Finance has been globalized but for what? Why should we not ask finance, money to participate in stabilizing the world?”

Bolivian President Evo Morales focused on Southern unity as a way of achieving development goals citing a UN report that he said shows developing countries have transferred billions more to developed countries than the wealthy nations have sent to the poorer countries in recent years.

[Evo Morales, Bolivian President]:
“If we wish to make progress, it is our obligation to reach the Millennium Development Goals, and in order to reach these goals, the South has to stop financing the North. This millennium should see the closure of the open veins of the South that are bleeding towards the North.”

The World Bank says Millennium Challenge the goal of cutting the poverty rate in half appears well within reach by 2015.

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