
Chia-Chin Ho, David Lee
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South Korean Celebrity Couple Ties the Knot

1. tie the knot:phr. 結為連理
2. lavish :adj. 豐富的、慷慨的、奢華的
3. ceremony:n. 典禮、儀式
4. gratitude:n. 感激、感謝
5. commitment:n. 承諾
6. debut:n. 初次豋場
7. tuxedo:n. 燕尾服
8. luxurious:adj. 奢侈的
9. celebrities:n. 名人、名流

South Korea’s star couple, actor Jang Dong-gun and actress Koh So-young, officially tied the knot in Seoul on Sunday. Thousands of excited South Koreans closely followed the wedding.

The couple held a lavish wedding ceremony at the Shilla Hotel in Seoul, including 500 guests.

Under extremely tight security, Jang and Koh took time out to talk to media.

[Jang Dong-gun, Actor]:
“We’ll live happily together, so that we can express our gratitude to you.”

[Koh So-young, Actress]:
“I will also happily and honestly live with him in full commitment. Thank you.”

The two started their debut in the entertainment industry in 1992 and co-starred in a movie called “Love Wind, Love Song” in 1998. They became friends soon after the movie and, over time, their friendship developed into a romance.

Koh is three months pregnant.

[Jang Dong-gun, South Korean Actor]:
“We’re not sure whether the baby is a boy or girl, but I hope she would bear a daughter who looks like her.”

Koh wore an Oscar de la Renta wedding dress worth 15,000 U.S. dollars, while Jang was in a Tom Ford Tuxedo.

The wedding ceremony reportedly cost about 900-thousand U.S. dollars, one of the most expensive and luxurious weddings yet by South Korean celebrities.
據報導,婚禮儀式耗資約 90萬美元,也是南韓名人中所舉辦過最昂貴最奢華的婚禮之一。

The newlyweds are now in Bali for their honeymoon.

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