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轉眼間人們開始紀念六四事件19週年,新聞記者在寫“紀念”一詞時,一般是mark與commemorate這兩個字;描述“鎮壓”時,則有五個字可供使用:oppress, suppress, repress, crush與crack down,都是指涉“鎮壓”的意思。

天安門廣場上的六四屠殺(massacre on June 4, 1989),是一場悲劇(tragedy),也一直是中國人近20年來的夢魘(nightmare),許多民運份子流亡海外。民運人士叫做democratic activist,異議份子是dissident,改革是reform,革命則叫做revolution,共產主義是communism,迫害則是persecution。

Remembering Tiananmen Square

1.mark :紀念
2.outcry :強烈抗議
3.on-going persecution :正在進行的迫害
4.journalist :記者
5.lead-up :先前準備階段
6.acknowledge : 承認

Anchor: June 4 marks the 19th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre in China. Let’s go straight to our China coverage today with a special series of reports.

Firstly, the international outcry over the massacre of students in Tiananmen forced the Chinese Communist Party to recognize that the way it treated its own people could have a negative effect on its international relations.

Supporters of the CCP say the human rights situation has improved since then, but others point to the on-going persecution of Tibetans, Falun Gong, Christians, lawyers, and journalists—and say that the situation has not improved.

Furthermore the CCP has become even better at hiding and making excuses for its crimes. In the lead-up to the Olympics in Beijing, people are urging the CCP to finally make the events of what happened on June 4 public to the Chinese people.

But the CCP will not publicly acknowledge its massacre. Bao Tang, arrested for supporting the demonstrators, spoke out about Tiananmen. Here’s more.

The most senior Chinese official jailed for sympathizing with the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests has urged the leadership to make public the events that led to the government’s decision to crush the pro-democracy movement.


10.turn up:出現
13.to overturn the verdict:推翻判決

Student demonstrations encouraged more than a million people to Beijing’s streets in 1989, a protest that ended in a military crackdown on June 4. Now a fading memory, taking about the massacre is still taboo in the Chinese media.


Bao Tong, once the top aide to the party chief Zhao Ziyang, said that the CCP should live up to the transparency it has shown during the earthquake’s aftermath to make public what really happened on June 4.

[Bao Tong, Former Aid to Zhao Ziyang]:
“I am very concerned. When the Olympics start, and so many journalists who represent visitors and people in other countries turn up and they ask about the truth of Tiananmen Square, I don’t know what the authorities are going to say to them.”

Bao was the aid to Zhao Ziyang, the Party chief who opposed the decision to send in the People’s Liberation Army to crush the pro-democracy movement. Zhao died in 2005 after more than 15 years under house arrest. Bao lives in the shadow of constant surveillance since being released from prison. But he has remained outspoken about 1989.

The CCP jailed many protesters and their supporters citing the crime of “subversion” and has rejected calls to overturn the verdict.

There is still no official figure for the number that were killed.

[Mr. Liu, Beijing Resident]:
“I think the students during the June 4th event did have a point.
I personally think that the point is the corrupt officials. I think the students were right, the government shouldn’t have oppressed them, they should have used a different way to communicate with the students… They should have given them an explanation, but it never came.”



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