
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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At 3:00p.m., July 20, 1999, I was watching a special program on CCTV with my parents (I was spending my summer vacation in my parents’ home then).

An announcer was announcing the Central Government’s order of banning Falun Gong in a glacial and cruel tone.

It was like a bolt out of the blue to me.

On that night, while I took part in the local Dafa practitioners’ group reading as usual, the volunteer director of the local Dafa instruction center came to tell us: Police across the country had started massive arresting of Dafa practitioners, searching Dafa practitioners’ homes, and burning Dafa books.

(The directors and assistants in Falun Dafa were those warm-hearted veteran practitioners who volunteered to assume some responsibilities in Falun Dafa, such as bringing tape-recorders to the practice sites every morning for playing the exercise music, teaching new practitioners the exercises and answering their questions.)

I hurried back home to hide up the Dafa books at my parents’. While hiding I was afraid that police would burst in any moment.

I didn’t know then: The prelude to the most brutal persecution against freedom of belief in Chinese history had started.

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