
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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Upon getting back to Guangzhou, I sent in my resignation to my college. I didn’t want my colleagues and the leaders of my college persecuted by the CCP — such as being demoted, their wages being reduced, their bonus being cancelled, which were the means the CCP was using on Dafa practitioners’ workplaces – once anything happened to me.

The college authorities warmly persuaded me to stay.

(Since the CCP’s persecution of Dafa practitioners was furtive, most of mainland Chinese, including the leaders of my college, didn’t know of the ongoing brutal persecution.)

I said in my open farewell speech to my students and colleagues:

“During my two years working with you, I have received much compliment from you. I really appreciate it and would like for you to know that: All of these compliment should be given to Falun Dafa, because it is Falun Dafa that has made me become a good person and a good teacher.”

At that time, many mainland Chinese dared not even say the three words “Falun Gong”.

A teacher later said to me, “In this country, people including myself are all telling lies and speaking against our own conscience for self-interest. Yet you Dafa practitioners dare to speak out the truth even when the butcher’s knife is threatening your heads. This really won my admiration.”

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