看新聞,學英語(98) 劉翔退賽

David Lee
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Pain and Shame for Chinese Hurdler

1. hurdle:障礙
2. limp:v. 跛行
3. agony:n. 劇痛
4. track and field:n. 田徑
5. Achilles tendon:n. 阿克琉斯肌腱傷
6. withdrawal:n. 退出

Anchor: For China’s Olympic hopeful Liu Xiang, having to limp away from the men’s 110-meter hurdles was pure agony. But it was shame, not just physical pain, that came crashing down on him.

Liu won China’s first track and field gold medal in the 2004 Olympics, and was widely expected to win again in Beijing. But on Monday, Liu was unable to run the qualifying race due to an injury to his Achilles tendon.

7. blow:n. 打擊
8. coach:n. 教練
9. plight:n. 困境
10. sampling:n. 抽樣
11. compassion:n. 同情
12. harbor:v. 藏匿、懷恨

Liu was the poster boy for the Beijing Olympics, and his withdrawal is seen as a blow to the nation’s pride. His former coach, Gu Baogang, told the Telegraph that the pressure may have been too much for Liu.

Large numbers of Chinese viewers expressed more anger than sadness over Liu’s plight on Internet sites and media samplings. Yet others, like coach Gu, seem to understand that compassion is what their super athlete needs most right now. He says his biggest concern is that Chinese officials might harbor anger towards Liu for making China lose face.


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