
Daniel Chen, David Lee
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Debate Over Air France Crash Bodies


1. Mechanic: n. [mə’kænɪk] 技工
2. Bury: v. [‘bɛrɪ] 埋葬
3. Plunge into :ph. 坠入
4. Investigator: n. [ɪn’vɛstəgetɚ] 调查人员
5. Painstakingly :adv. [penstekɪŋlɪ] 费力地
6. Remains: n. [rɪ’menz] 遗体;遗骸
7. Lay ~ to rest :ph. 安葬某人
8. Seabed: n. [sibɛd] 海底
9. Wreckage: n. [‘rɛkɪdʒ] 残骸;废墟
10. Search party ph. 搜索队
11. Airliner: n. [‘ɛrlaɪnɚ] 大型客机;班机
12. Take off :ph. 起飞

This is Nelson Marinho, a retired machinery mechanic who has spent the last two years trying to bury his son.

Marcelo Marinho was one of 228 victims of the AF 447 Rio-Paris flight that plunged into Vthe ocean off Brazil in a mystery crash two years ago.
两年前,里约飞往巴黎的AF 447班机离奇坠入巴西外海。马歇罗马里奥是228名罹难者之一。

Only some 50 bodies were recovered from the ocean at that time.

On Thursday however, after two years of searching, French investigators painstakingly lifted the body of another victim to the surface from a depth of 3,900 meters.

More attempts to lift victims’ remains will be made in the next few days.

Mr Marinho, who has since transformed his home into a headquarters of the victims’ relatives association, is eager to lay his son to rest.

[Nelson Marinho, Relative of Air France Crash Victim]:
“When the first body was lifted from the seabed, I had the feeling it was my son. I think that each and every family felt that and all of us want this. There are one or two who don’t want it – I met one person in Brazil who wanted the body to stay there and one in Germany. But most of us want the bodies back.”

But Joao Tancredo, a lawyer representing 14 other Brazilian families said some of his clients would prefer to leave their relatives untouched in the sea.

[Joao Tancredo, Lawyer]:
“There is no way of identifying bodies amid that wreckage in such depths, we are aware of that. So they can end up meeting the demands of one family by recovering one body, but also displease another family by lifting a body that they did not want removed.”

It was the first attempt by the French search party, which recently recovered the two black box voice and date recorders from the wreckage, to bring up human remains from the seabed.

They hope the flight recorders will explain what caused the airliner to plunge into the sea when it hit storms, following its take off from Rio de Janeiro in June 2009.

* * *

这真是一篇令人感伤的后灾难新闻(post-disaster news)。我们一般看灾难新闻,记者一定会提到残骸,David老师在先前的专栏中就提到英文记者提到残骸,一般会使用debris, wreckage, ruins, rubble这四字,在这篇新闻中,出现的就是wreckage。

提到尸体呢,英文记者会使用 body, corpse, remains这三个字,在这篇里就出现了body, remains(遗体)这两个字。受难者是victim,遗体被挖出来叫 recovered。

另外,the ocean off Brazil是指巴西外海的意思。Off ~ 是指“离开~”,离开巴西的海洋,就是巴西外海啰!通常off the island, off the coast也都是指外海的意思。

在French investigators painstakingly lifted the body of another victim to the surface from a depth of 3,900 meters.这一句中,painstakingly 是很常见的新闻形容词,意思是极小心的、费尽辛苦的。

最后,从Mr Marinho, who has since transformed his home into a headquarters of the victims’ relatives association, is eager to lay his son to rest. 这一句中,我们再从 transform 这个字谈谈 trans- 这个字首。Trans-是源自于拉丁字的字首,意思是 “across, beyond, to go beyond,”,也就是横过、延伸到、超越的意思。所以 transport是to take across~ 所以是运输;transform是改变、转变;transmit是to send across~所以是传输;transcend(trans-=beyond, -scend=to climb)to climb beyond所以是超越。

本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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