
Daniel Chen, David Lee
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China’s 1.34 Billion Population Ageing Fast: 2010 Census


1. Census :n. [sensəs] 人口普查
2. Decade :n. [‘dɛked] 十年
3. Controversial :adj. [kɑntrə’vɝʃəl] 有争议的
4. Put at: ph. 估计
5. Demographer: n. [dɪ’mɑgrəfɚ] 人口统计学家
6. Median: adj. [‘midɪən] 中间值的
7. Fertility :n. [fɚ’tɪlətɪ] 生育力
8. Cohort: n. [‘kohɔrt] 一群人
9. Stifling: adj. [‘staɪfḷɪŋ] 令人窒息的
10. Abortion: n. [ə’bɔrʃən] 堕胎
11. Sterilization: n. [stɛrələ’zeʃən] 绝育
12. Grow by: ph. 净增了…

Over the past decade, China’s export sector has been powered by millions of young workers.

But China’s population is getting older, mostly due to the communist regime’s controversial one-child policy.

Census figures released on Thursday put China’s population at 1.34 billion, with a larger proportion of people older than 60.
周四公布的人口普查数字,估计中国有13.4亿的老化人口,其中很大比例人的年龄超过 60岁。

Demographer Wang Feng from the Brookings Tsinghua Center for Public Policy says the median age of the Chinese population is now 34 years old. By 2050, half the population will be 50 or older.

[Wang Feng, Director of Brookings Tsinghua Center for Public Policy]:
“Such low fertility and population growth means that China will face a smaller cohort of young labor for labor supply in the future, and also a much more serious aging process than people anticipated even ten years ago or two decades ago.”

This means China’s population could age before it gets rich, stifling efforts to increase domestic consumption.

It could strengthen opposition to the one-child policy that has involved forced abortions and sterilizations since the Chinese Communist Party introduced it in the late 70s.

China’s population has grown by 5.9 percent in the past decade, about half the rate of the previous decade.

本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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