流行美语 第323课

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【大纪元3月12日讯】李华要回中国过新年, Larry送她去机场。今天我们要学两个常用语:No Skin Off My Back和in Somebody’s Shoes.

LH: Larry, 我们得抓紧时间,赶快把箱子装上车,不然就要误机了。

LL: My Gosh, Li Hua, your bags are so heavy! Why do you need to bring all this stuff back to China?

LH: 我们家亲戚朋友多。每个人都得送礼物,箱子能不重嘛!再者说了,反正有你帮我提。

LL: Well, they’re definitely heavy. But since I needed to get some exercise anyway, it’s no skin off my back.

LH: 什么?提提箱子腰就受伤了,你也太娇气了吧?

LL: Actually, Li Hua, when you say that something is “no skin off your back,” that means it doesn’t bother you, or it isn’t a problem for you.

LH: 哦,我明白了。 No skin off your back意思就是不算什么,没什么大不了的。你说你反正需要健身,所以提几件重一点的行李,对你来说不是问题。

LL: Right! Or if you complained that the plane tickets are really expensive, I might say that your parents are paying for them, so it’ no skin off your back.

LH: 哎,你怎么知道这次是我父母买的机票? So It’s really no skin off my back. 好了,Larry, 再不走我们真要晚了。

LL: That’ alright. I don’ have to fly anywhere today, so if we’re late to the airport it’ no skin off my back.

LH: 好啊,Larry, 不过你听好,如果你故意磨蹭,害我误了班机,我保证,There will be skin off your back. 我一定绕不了你。

LL: Relax, Li Hua, I’m just kidding. The car is loaded and ready to go. Do you have your passport and tickets?

LH: 机票和护照都在我随身背的包里。我都检查过好几遍了,你不会觉得我傻到连机票和护照都不带的程度吧?

LL: Of course not. But I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong, so if I give you a quick reminder it’s no skin off your back.

LH: 说真的,Larry, 你看,雪好像越下越大了,飞机能按时起飞吗?

LL: I hope so. Let’s go!



LH: Larry, 雪越下越大了,能见度也很差,前面车都看不清楚了。

LL: I know. Do you think it’s worth it to go all the way to the airport? The flights are probably canceled.

LH: 真的吗?可是我现在归心似箭,航班真要推迟,那我一定气死了。

LL: I know how you feel. If I were in your shoes, I would feel the same way.

LH: 你想穿我的鞋?我的脚可比你小多了。

LL: Actually Li Hua, when you say that you’re in another person’s shoes, that means you are facing the same situation as he is. But we only say if I WERE in your shoes, but never if I AM in your shoes.

LH: 我明白了,说in somebody’s shoes意思就是“如果换成我”。你是说,你很理解我的心情,如果换成你,飞机临时推迟,你也一定会特别失望,没错吧?

LL: Exactly! But you know Lihua, you have to put yourself in the airlines’ shoes. Even though all the passengers want to fly, the airlines have to think about the passengers’ safety.

LH: 说的也是。如果从航空公司的立场出发,乘客的安全才是第一位的,我坐在飞机上,也不愿意提心吊胆的。

LL: Don’t worry Li Hua, if they cancel your flight they will probably give you a free ticket somewhere else, so it won’t really be any skin off your back.

LH: 不说这些了,听天由命吧。Larry, 我走的这段时间,你有什么计划吗?

LL: You know, go out to wild parties, meet lots of girls. That kind of thing.

LH: Larry, if I were in your shoes, 如果我是你,我就不开这种玩笑。你就不怕我当真,也像你说的那样,到处去派对,最后没准连男朋友也一起换了。

LL: Oh Li Hua, you know I’m kidding. It’s just a joke, so it’s no skin off your back. Hey look, we’re almost at the airport!

LH: 太好了,我得赶紧去把行李托运了!

LL: If I were in your shoes I wouldn’t check the luggage. I would just carry all of it on the plane to save time.

LH: 好主意!我过完新年从北京回来你能来接我吗?

LL: Sure, but next time you have to tip me for carrying your bags.

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是no skin off my back, 意思是没什么大不了的。另一个是in somebody’s shoes, 意思是如果处于某人的地位,或是境地。 (http://www.dajiyuan.com)

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