
Justin Lee, David Lee
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Parkour Fever Sweeps China

1. Parkour : n. 【法】跑酷;暴酷(街头疾走极限运动,配合猿猴一样的灵活攀越)
2. Discipline : vt. 训练,训导
3. practitioners : n. 从事者;实践者
4. agility : n. 敏捷:灵活
5. negotiate : vt. 成功越过
6. gymnastic : adj. 体操的
7. enthusiast : n. 对…热衷的人;热心者
8. stunt : n. 惊人的表演;特技;惊险动作

The French-born physical discipline of Parkour is gaining popularity among Beijing’s urban youth.
源自法国的身体训练“跑酷” ,在北京的都市青年间受到欢迎。

Its “art of moving” allows practitioners to use agility and speed to negotiate objects in their environment to create a path.
这种“移动的艺术” 让从事者使用敏捷和速度,来创造出一条路径,以便成功通过环境中的物体。

Often compared to martial arts, 60-year-old Wu Suhui was amazed by the boys’ Kung Fu-like skills.

[Wu Suhui, Spectator]:
“I think it is like the Shaolin Kung Fu, it is very good. It has a lot of hope. It’s cool, very cool. I’ve never seen this before, so when I saw it, I was drawn to it.”
我想它就像是少林功夫,非常的好。跑酷有很大的希望,真的很酷,非常酷,我以前从未见过。 所以,当我看到这玩意,我就被它吸引了。

China Parkour Club, one of the largest in the nation, has hundreds of followers.

Zhang Tianlin, coach at the club, said the magnetic pull of Parkour lies in its relaxing quality.

[Zhang Tian Lin, Coach, China Parkour Club]:
“Life goes by pretty fast and there is a lot of pressure, so Parkour is a very relaxing and stress-releasing activity. It not only relaxes your muscles but also your mind.”

Parkour originated in 1987 when a group of gymnastic enthusiasts began to practice stunts in a Paris playground, gaining worldwide popularity in the 1990s.

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1. The French-born physical discipline
2. gaining popularity among Beijing’s urban youth.
3. to use agility and speed to negotiate objects
4. coach at the club
5. I was drawn to it.
6. the magnetic pull of Parkour
7. Life goes by pretty fast
8. there is a lot of pressure
9. stress-releasing activity
10. It not only relaxes your muscles but also your mind
11. gymnastic enthusiasts
12. began to practice stunts
13. gaining worldwide popularity
@* (http://www.dajiyuan.com)

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