流行美语 第256课

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LL: Hey, Li Hua, do you remember how much fun we had camping in the woods? Wouldn’t you like to do something outdoorsy again this weekend?

LH: Do something outdoorsy? 你是说户外活动吧。

LL: That’s right! But “doing something outdoorsy” doesn’t just mean to do something outside, though. Playing basketball or badminton outside isn’t really outdoorsy.

LH: 在户外打球都不算outdoorsy, 那什么才算呢?

LL: Well, outdoorsy activities – like fishing, hunting, hiking, camping and canoeing – are ones that you do in natural settings, such as in a forest or near a river.

LH: 哦,我知道了,就是一定要到野外才行,在公园里和运动场上还算不上是outdoorsy.

LL: That’s it. So – what do you say, do you want to do something outdoorsy this weekend, Li Hua?

LH: 上次去宿营确实挺开心的,咱们这次干点儿什么别?

LL: Well, you know me, Li Hua. I’m a very outdoorsy kind of guy. How about we go canoeing?

LH: 划独木舟啊。听起来挺过瘾的,可我有点儿怕。

LL: Don’t worry. I can teach you how to paddle a canoe. You don’t have to be an outdoorsy person to learn how to do it.

LH: 可是独木舟那么窄,翻了怎么办啊,我可不会游泳。有没有不那么危险的野外活动呢?

LL: Oh, that is right. I forgot you can’t swim very well. Okay…What other outdoorsy things might you like to do?

LH: 有了!我们到纽约州的山里去远足吧!

LL: Perfect. And I can borrow a backpack from one of my outdoorsy friends. That way we can bring food, water and other supplies we might need.

LH: Okay. 那我要做些什么准备呢?

LL: In addition to a backpack, you are going to need a good pair of hiking boots. I know a place that specializes in all sorts of outdoorsy stuff. We can get the boots there.

LH: 好,那你陪我去买。也许你能把我改造成一个喜欢野外活动的人呢!


LL: I don’t think buying hiking boots will turn you into an outdoorsy person, Li Hua. I think you are really more of an artsy person.

LH: Arsty…喜欢野外活动的人可以说outdoorsy, 那说一个人 arsty肯定是说她喜欢艺术喽?

LL: Exactly! “Artsy” people enjoy appreciating and making all kinds of art – painting, drama and music.

LH: 那我就是个 arsty的人。我喜欢绘画、音乐和装饰。

LL: You are definitely artsy, Li Hua. I’ve always been impressed with your calligraphy.

LH: 哦,我小时候我学过很长时间的书法;我父母都喜欢艺术,对我学习绘画和书法很支持。

LL: My family isn’t very artsy. My parents were always interested in sports and really encouraged me and my brother and sister to get involved in athletic activities.

LH: 你姑姑呢?她看上去好像很arsty.

LL: Oh, Aunt Jane? You are right, Li Hua, she is VERY artsy. Aunt Jane is artsy in almost every way.

LH: 对呀,从她的服饰就能看得出来。

LL: Yes, and not only are her clothes artsy, but her entire house is artsy, too. She loves to decorate her rooms in very interesting ways.

LH: 我在中国有个朋友,也特别喜欢艺术,可是跟你姑姑不一样。

LL: How so?

LH: 他穿得特别简单,但是酷爱钢琴,每天要花好几个小时练琴。

LL: I guess there are many different kinds of artsy people. What they have in common is their love of art.

LH: 你呢,Larry, 要不跟我学书法吧,我保证把你变成一个喜欢艺术的人。

LL: That’s a generous offer, Li Hua. But I’m afraid there is a reason why I am an outdoorsy person and not an artsy person! I’ll leave the calligraphy to you!

今天李华学到了两个常用语.一个是outdoorsy, 是喜欢野外活动的人.另一个是arsty,是喜欢艺术的人。(http://www.dajiyuan.com)

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